Even Drina eyes started to get this crazy ass glazed over look in them.

"What we think about the word sorry?"

"Sorry aint nothing but an excuse for something you meant to do, and don't plan on changing," Drina said.

Smilez nodded her head and looked Shada back into her eye before she stood back up. Even though we were only a good 5 feet away from them. It felt like we're yards away.

" One. I aint ya baby and two for some reason you think I am going to let you lay hands on me and get away with it, " Smiles said.

Shada was about to get up when Smilez pushed her back down with her foot.

"Naw, stay yo ass down, "

Smilez bent down and slapped the shit out her. Shada's head flew to the side so hard and fast I thought she broke her neck. I looked over at Drina who was laughing a little bit. I jumped at how hard she had just got slapped. Smilez was standing up and messing with her pants, I remember that Smilez had put on a belt. Not any belt but one with a skull belt buckle.

" Shit.." I said just above a whisper.

"What?" Erica looked over at me along with everybody else.

" She got on the belt that Drina got her for Christmas,"

I looked at Drina she knew what belt I was talking about. Smilez had taken off her belt and was holding it above her head. She brought the belt down with lots of force. You could hear it make contact with Shada's legs and ass. She was yelling for Smilez to stop, but she didn't.

" Shit.." Drina said.

I guess when Erica put her arm around Drina it snapped her back from the edge of whatever sanity she had. Smilez was wrapping the belt around her fist. The belt buckle was against her knuckles.

Drina and I ran over to Smilez just in time to stop her. Drina took her arm with the belt in it and I took the other one. She looked at me, she had so much angry in her eyes and it was almost as if she couldn't recognize me. I was scared to talk to her, fear took over my body I was damn near stuck. I could feel tears start to run down my face or it could have been sweat. The new presences she had was just terrifying.

It's like she had allowed her other personality that she had buried deep down inside to resurface. I searched her eyes for any signs of Smilez. Just a little bit of softness in her gaze as she stared down Shada. I couldn't find it. I tried to swallow my spit but my mouth was a desert, no water to be found anywhere. I bit down on my bottom lip.

" Come on Smilez let's go," I told her.

That's all I could find to say. She looked at me. I saw what I had been looking for. Just a little bit of Smilez to resurface; she looked back at a trembling and scared Shada. Then back over to me and Drina.

" Ight ma..." she said.

I looked at Drina and she nodded. It was okay. We let her go.

" ....after I slap the shit out of her ass," Smilez said.

The next thing I know Smilez had slapped the shit out of Shada. I looked at Drina and she shook her head.

"My bad, I thought she was okay," She said.

Smilez had her fist balled up, she drew her fist back and brought it down hard on her right breast. Shada let out a high pitch yell and started to cry and beg for Smilez to stop. Smilez was drawing her fist back again when Drina, Erica, and me rushed her. We tackled her to the ground. She started to laugh a little bit.

" GET YO ASS UP AND RUN!" Lexi yelled at Shada.

Shada stumbled as she got up and took of running and crying. As soon as she was out of sight we let Smilez get up. She brushed her self off put her belt and her hat back on and began to walk back to the dorm.

" Aye yall thanks..." She said as she kept on walking.

"... I was to close to killing her ass," She said and laughed .

" Aye Sweets go with her just in case she decided to beat Shada ass again. You know she aint that stable. She just went back to her old self and I'm not sure she is over it," Drina said.

" You mean..." I was talking when Drina cut me off.

" Yeah sweetie you just had your first encounter with Shamless. She always trick me like that too I think she is fine then bam! She ready to fuck shit up. At least it was the tamed version and not the full version," She said.

I looked at Drina and she shrugged her shoulders. She looked at me and nodded to Smilez who was damn near out of sight by now. I ran and caught up to Smilez. I grabbed her arm and put it around my waist. She looked down at me and kissed my forehead.

" Aye ma.. you wanna go for a ride?"

"Yeah.. Where we gonna go?" I asked her.

As long as I kept her off campus we should be okay and she should calm down. I bit my bottom lip and held on to her a little tighter.

" To get something to eat and my apartment in the city," She said.

I stop walking and she looked down at me. I didn't even know she had money like that.

" You got an apartment in the city... nigga where do you work at?" I said.

She looked out into the night and laughed, it was the good laugh not the evil one earlier. She pulled my body closer to her. I grabbed her hand that was around my shoulder.

" I am cheap, and I got some stuff stashed away. Don't forget I've been teaching too. I do get paid for that," she said.

"Yeah. I know but still," I said

She laughed as we made our way to her Jeep.

" Umm... go get some clothes real quick, " She said.

I looked at her puzzled as we reached the dorm rooms.

" Why?" I asked her.

We had stop walking. She looked at me and smirked.

"Well it's Friday you don't have classes tomorrow or on Saturday , nor Sunday, and our Monday class is cancelled. So we got a long weekend. Why spend it here, when we can go to the city and I can..." She looked down and kissed me on my lips.

Her hands found themselves on my ass, I placed my arms around her neck and deepen the kiss. She bit my bottom lip. She pulled back and looked me in my eye. I smiled at her and she licked her lips and looked off.

" Besides if I see that chick I might just do something I'll regret," She said.

The same look she got after ole girl slapped her came back. I grabbed her face and brought her gaze back to me. When I did that the look she had left just as quick as it came. She bent down and recaptured my lips. Her hands start to make there way down to my ass. I bit her lip and pulled back.

" Okay, baby. You need anything?" I asked her.

" Just you," She said and licked her lips.

I laughed and pushed away from her. She pulled me back by my belt loop and pecked me on the lips. I gave her a little smirk and turned around to make my way to the dorm when I felt her slap me on my ass.

" Nigga stop before you start something," I yelled back at her as I made my way up the stairs.

She laughed.

" We still aint finish we started earlier in the room," She yelled back at me as my hand landed on the door to the entrance. I gave her the finger and stuck out my tongue at her.

She laughed and rubbed her hands together; she licked her sexy ass lips and winked her eye. This was the Smilez I was use to. I most definitely like this Smilez a lot better.

Irresistible (Lesbian Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz