Types of Authors

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I'd like to say I've seen almost every type of author out there. I may miss a few, but let's cover the main ones for today.

Show and Tell, but without the show: This author tells you everything! There's no room for imagination. It's just cold, hard facts. I was happy. He was hot. I'm a brat. Things like that. It's better to show not tell.

Updating Impaired: They haven't updated since the days the dinosaurs roamed the earth.

Feels: Their main goal in life is to make you cry with feels. I admit to doing this sometimes!

Text Talker: Omg hes like totally hot tbh XD XD lol TTYL ;) is how their story is written.

Dreamers: It's that author who inserts the improved version of themselves into the story.

A/n: They leave a weird side note every other sentence. It makes me want to shove my head in a hole in the ground.

Not the goodest at grammer:  They struggle. We all mess up occasionally, but this person messes up constantly.

No Flamesies Plz!!!: Can't stand any sort of criticism, even if it will make their story better. You could just correct a simple mistake and they say, "OMG! Y duz evry1 hait meeeeee!!!1!! Im jus righting wat i want!!! stop jujing!! >:(

Serial Killer Author: Get ready to cry. Every character you love won't make it out alive. These authors are heartless and killed off all beloved characters. They even kill off the dog! What heartless creature does that?!

Those are just a few of the many types! Put some of your own here in the comments.



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