Bad Boys

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What in the blazing universe makes bad boys so attractive?!?! Why do all the girls flock to this jerk?

I can tell you why.

It's in our human nature to rebel. A lot of us don't like being restrained by rules. We'd prefer to do things ourselves. So, the idea of a rebellious boy becomes attractive.

Remember when you were a little kid and your mom or dad said not to do something, then you did it? Yeah, that's what I mean by rebellious.

Some girls see the bad boy as a puzzle. We like mystery. The girl thinks she can solve the bad boy and fix all his problems. He will be grateful and love her after that.

Those are just two things we find attractive about bad boys. The problem is every boy is a bad boy. What if the girl went for Mr. Nice Guy? Why not?

If you know of a good girl×good boy story, comment the title and author's username in the comments.



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