Chapter Six: 'The Little Human'

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We finish our last class and slowly move our way out of the school. Coral and I chat a bit as we head over to the main part of the Kingdom. On our way we pass a few Angel Sharks on our way. I've gotten quite used to casual passing sea creatures but still get the occasional fright from time to time. As I watch them pass by I remember a few weeks ago when I accidentally dropped one of my books on a shark's head because it gave me such a shock. Luckily for us it didn't get too upset after Coral had spoken to it and apologised. That was the most interesting thing I had learnt all day. Apparently Mermaids and sharks are quite close and they can actually understand each other and never ever purposely do any harm to each other. That must be why I didn't get hurt by Bob, George and Barry when I fell into the Shark Tank... But I'm not a Mermaid, why would they be that forgiving towards me?

We browse the shops one by one, making our way down the Main Street until we reach our favourite café - 'The Little Human'. I always laugh to myself every time we pass it or go into it as it's quite hilariously to think that Mermaids think of humans just the same way that humans think of Mermaids. We sit down and order our usual 2 Vanilla milkshakes and 2 cheesecake muffins. We open our school books to do some work and watch out the windows as all the workers leave their jobs for the day and start making their way back home.

"So, have you finished the Maths assignment yet?" Coral asks abruptly.

"No, I can't understand anything!! 47 squared is absolutely not 3757!! None of the equations on the question booklet make sense!! Mr Fisher is going to kill me. Can you please just bury me now?"

"Please, it's not that hard. All we have to do is answer the questions in the booklet and then write a 2000 word report about one of the topics Mr Fisher gave us."

"Yeah, real easy..." I roll my eyes and continue looking out the window.

"Well if you don't want to fail you could come over to my house after school and I'll help you. And I promise I won't make you go back to 'Uncle Joe's Coffee Shoppe' again," she smiles and I smile too. It's nice to finally have a friend I can talk to anytime, about anything I want. Before, the only people I could talk to were the animals at the aquarium. Sure, there were some cool staff at the aquarium and at the local Zoo I helped at but no one who was my age and could understand what I was going through. Everyone always thought that I was 'the most optimistic person they knew' but really, on the inside, I felt like they didn't even know the half of it.

Dad always thought I was fine with being home-schooled as I seemed to enjoy being able to spend more time with the sea creatures. In reality I had no friends. It wasn't too bad when I was little because I didn't think too much about things, but as I got older I kept on getting lonelier and lonelier. A few years ago, when I was about 13 I started going to the beach every now and then. There I could just sit and relax and feel the sea breeze on my face or swim in the calming blue waves of the ocean. That's also where I met Jamie.

He was 16, hot and worked in the surf shack every afternoon and weekend. I was never really interested in him and he wasn't ever really interested in me as he already had a girlfriend, but it was nice just to have someone my age to talk to. He was always so kind to me and always listened whenever I was feeling sad and needed to blurt out something to someone. He also was the one who taught me how to surf. I still suck at it but I'm grateful that there was someone who could put up with my suckiness every day for over a year. Normally people would have to pay to use the surfboards in the shack but Jamie always let me use them for free, in fact, there was only one pink surfboard, which was the perfect size for me and I loved it so much that he always made sure it was reserved for me.

I manage to bring myself back to the present, and to my food. I can see that Coral is already eyeing it off so I quickly scoff down my muffin and slurp up the remnants of my milkshake. I pack up my books and so does Coral. We then continue talking as we go back down to the end of the Main Street. Once we get to the end we go our separate ways, Coral to the back parts of the Kingdom and me to the Palace.


Dedicated to ashlyn199914 for being a fabulous reader and commenting on chapter 5! 

Sorry, I know this chapter is kinda boring but don't worry it's all part of the plan. Hush little child, it will all make sense in the end :3

Don't be a silent reader!

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Thanks for reading!!

~ Ellie Potato ❤

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