Chapter Eighteen: Confessions and Curiosities

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"What? I thought her dad died?" Charlotte blurted out.

"So did she. But whoever this John is, he killed her dad when he had vampire blood in his system. We found him outside in the back garden, hiding in the shadows. She repeatedly said sorry to him about what happened, she gave her daylight bracelet to him. I suppose she was happy to know he was alive... sort of." His lips were in a straight line now. "But she told him to never contact her, I believe that won't happen, because she loves her dad with her heart, I can't see her never seeing him again when he's still alive. If it happens they cross paths again I believe its for a reason and not just by mistake." He sighed. 

"What else do you like about her?" Charlotte questioned him again.

"Her eyes are bright blue, they pierce mine. They go a bright blue when she's happy, when she's not happy or if she is tired they go a darker blue. Her hair is a blonde is it can get! It suits her and when she smiles it just overwhelms me how beautiful she is. I honestly forget that I'm a vampire because she makes me like a normal teenager. It sounds crazy, believe me and I know your can't ever feel different when your a vampire. But she does somehow."

"We are all human underneath all this vampire skin. We all will still be humans at heart whether or not you don't choose to believe it." He was now sitting up staring at her.

"That's true. We are human and we always will be, just because we aren't acting like them. Its our humanity that makes us like it. If we were all stripped of our humanity, is there any point living?" Charlotte nodded and sighed. Everything Leo was saying about their humanity was true, there was no point living without it. Charlotte thought about all the times she nearly gave up her humanity bt held onto it. "Char, I don't mean to be rude, but I'm shattered. I got back like 4 hours ago and the plane ride was not that comfortable. Meet me in the dining hall tomorrow morning and I'll tell you all about it."

"I'll have to see, I have VDC tomorrow with Izzy. If I get out of class early I'll meet you. I'll see you tomorrow Leo." She smiled and walked out. Charlotte walked along the corridor smiling. She got outside her door and walked in. 


Isabelle woke up the next morning and got ready for her day of lessons. She huffed as she dried her hair with Charlotte's hairdryer that she still didn't give back. She brushed her hair and put it into a high ponytail. Isabelle walked over to the wardrobe and it was now full of clothes from her house. She picked out some dark blue super skinny jeans and put them on. She picked up a white short sleeved top with had black and grey butterflies on and her brown cardigan. Just as she was about to leave she put on her knee high brown boots picked up her books and walked out of her room.

Charlotte was just walking out of her room when she saw Isabelle. "Morning Izzy. How are you?"

"I'm good thanks Char. Just about to go History. What lesson have you got?"

"I have Science and then we have Defence Class. Even though you don't need it, because your a damn strong vampire." She smiled as Isabelle chuckled. They walked with a normal pace towards class. They had their classes on the same levels so they could meet after. "I'll see you in an hour." Charlotte smiled.

"Yeah see you in an hour." Isabelle smiled back and opened the door.

"Have fun with Leo." Charlotte called before closing the door behind her. Isabelle turned her attention to Leo who was sitting in the seat in the middle of the class on the left hand side. The seat next to him was free. Isabelle scanned the rooms for another seat, she knew if she sat next to him they'd never get their work done. Isabelle huffed and walked over to her now new seat next to Leo. 

"Good morning little miss sunshine." Leo beamed at her. His eyes bright green and his brown hair was messy.

"Morning Mr... Green eyes." 

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