The staff was missing and so were the opening acts. That's strange because they're usually here before the girls arrive.

I was near one of the halls that lead backstage, when I felt his presence. The coward who still, even after all the proof, decided to be selfish.

He, however, was not alone. I could feel the heat of 9 other people inside as well.

I paced towards the door and knocked it down, not caring about ruining his meeting or whatever was going on.

Simon was wearing a new suit and sat across from him was none other than the man known as, "The Ruthless". He brought the glass towards his mouth savoring the taste of wine.

"Y/N! How nice of you to join us!"

What the hell was going on? Why was he here? My mind was racing with questions that I didn't have the answers to.

The bodyguards made their way towards the center of the room, creating a wall between myself, and the bastards who were chuckling and drinking as if there wasn't a care in the world.

In their hands, layed weapons
such as numchucks and bats full of spikes. Guess they didn't want to waste ammo.

Suddenly my body became cold once again, as my radar scanned 4 other freshly arrived bodies placed all around the building at different locations. The assassins.

Mr. Ruthless spoke up for the first time with a sinister smile.


As if right on cue, I heard a shriek from Normani with my super hearing.

As badly as I wanted to battle the highly trained body guards in order to rip out both their hearts with my bare hands, I couldn't.

Before they could move a muscle I accessed my highest level of speed and made my way towards the girls in less than half a minute.

My lungs were burning since my powers drained "my body" and I felt a drop of sweat make its way down the back of my neck.

I didn't know whether to be relieved or not by the sight in front of me.

Dinah held a red stained metal pole in her hands, with a bloody Sean collapsed beneath her feet.

Lauren on the other hand, had a gun in her grip facing the unconscious choreographer, while she was breathing heavily with veins full of adrenaline.

All of them had slightly watery eyes but a firery determination in their gaze. They turned to face me with relief evident in their facial expressions and slowly lowered their weapons.

Camila walked toward me and wrapped her arms around my waist. She could barely speak because of her fright.

"H-he was a part of i-it too."

The rest of the girls followed in her example, seeking the sensation of comfort and safety they claimed to feel while being around me.

I remembered the situation that we were in, so I gave them a final squeeze and let go.

I gave Lauren back the gun and the girls metal rods like the one Dinah used.

Ally looked confused.

"Wait, why are you giving us this? It was just Sean. Its over for today."

I took a deep breath and explained the whole situation to them.

"This can't be happening. No , not yet. Please." , Lauren stated with teary eyes. She said it more to herself than to the rest of us.

I grabbed her hand in my own to calm her down. Which seemed to have worked as the green eyed girl released a breath she was holding.

"I'm so sorry. You know I'd do anything for you girls."

They all nodded knowing it was true.

I took a deep breath and continued, sounding strong and brave.

"I won't stop fighting until you are all safe. I promise . I'm sorry it had to be today, but it's finally begun .... You will live to see another day. I'll make sure of it."


Sorry for the late update, I was just really busy. Here's part 1 of "The End". Hope you guys enjoyed it and please comment and vote. I'd really appeciacte your feedback.


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