8 - The Best Friend

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"So" Selena said frowning, staring at Henry who was still sitting on the bed and at Taylor and Emma who were standing at each sides of the bed, and holding the boy's storybook. "Everyone in this town comes from a fairy tale land, and have been cursed here ?"
"Yep!" Henry said with a proud smile. "And now the curse is broken"
" But Henry, what's going on here?" Emma asked, looking around her and frowning. "If the curse is broken, why didn't they go back?"
"I...I don't know." Henry said, shrugging his shoulders and frowning.
But suddenly, the noise of some medical supplies falling on the ground caught Henry and the women's attention, and they looked at a nurse who was staring out the window.
"Are you okay?" Emma asked the nurse, while the four of them were approaching.
But the nurse's scared stare made them look out the window, and they all gasped in fear when they saw a big purple smoke coming straight toward them.
"What is that?" Emma exclaimed.
"Something bad." Henry said.
"It was the same thing when the Dark Curse has been cast" Taylor said, her voice full of fear.

Taylor, Selena, Emma and Henry walked in the Main Street. The smoke had vanished now, but they were still at Storybrooke. They looked around them, just to see people who were greeting each other happily, just like if they haven't seen each other for years. Suddenly, Taylor stopped walking when she saw a group of people she knew all too well standing in the middle of the street. Selena stopped walking as well, and so did Emma who looked at Taylor wondering what was happening, and suddenly turned her head when she realised who they were.
"So what do we do now?" Leroy asked.
"Now ?" Mary Margaret asked, a smile full of hope and happiness on her lips. "Now I find my daughter."
"So it's true." Emma said, still not believing that Mary Margaret, her friend, and David, were actually her parents.
David and Mary Margaret turned around to face their daughter and, while tears of happiness were rolling on her cheeks, Mary Margaret slowly approached the blonde woman. She cupped her daughter's face with her hands, and examined every features of her face, just like if she was meeting her after years of separation. Then, she wrapped her arms around her daughter for a big hug, while Emma was still trying to realise what was happening.
"You found us" Mary Margaret said in a low voice full of emotion.
David approached them from behind Mary Margaret, and put a hand behind Emma's head to hug both his wife and daughter.
"Grandpa?" Henry asked, approaching David.
Emma pulled away from her mother's embrace while she, David and Mary Margaret were laughing.
"Yeah, kid." David said, wrapping a arm around his grandson's shoulders. "I suppose so."
"She did it." Henry exclaimed. "She saved you."
"She saved all of us." Mary Margaret said, looking straight into her daughter's eyes.
Not wanting to interrupt them, Taylor and Selena stayed where they were, looking at them, when Taylor noticed some of her old friends behind Emma and her family. A smile on her face, she quickly joined the waitress of the Granny's Dinner.
"Red !" She exclaimed.
Ruby looked at the singer, and they hugged tightly, a smile on their faces.
"Oh my! Taylor!" Ruby exclaimed.
Then they pulled away, allowing Taylor to hug Granny.
"Look who's here !" Leroy exclaimed crossing his arms on his chest and looking at Taylor. Everyone turned around to look at him.
"The Evil Queen's little protégée"
"I'm not her protégée !" Taylor protested.
"Really Taylor?" Leroy exclaimed. "So can you tell me why you were the only one to be able to escape the curse?"
"I don't know" Taylor said, a bit confused. He was right, why was she an adult now? And why was she able to leave the town when the others couldn't?
Leroy opened his mouth to protest, but was suddenly cut off by Granny.
"Stop it Grumpy. She has nothing to do with it, and you know it. She was just a child when the curse has been casted."
Mary Margaret looked at the singer with a smile, and quickly approached her.
"Hey sweetie" she said.
"Hey Snow" Taylor said, and hugged her.
Then she hugged David, while Selena was still watching, still standing where she was earlier.
"So um ... What are you going to do now?" She asked nervously. "I mean, if you come from an other world and the curse is broken, why are you still here ?"
"That is an excellent question." David said. "Are you ok ?"
Selena shrugged her shoulders nervously, and Taylor joined her.
"Well, for someone who just learned that her best friend and the inhabitants of this town come from a fairytale land, yes, I guess"
Taylor wrapped an arm around her best friend's shoulders, while the dwarfs started asking questions.
"And what was that smoke?"
"Who did this?"
"And what was that smoke?"
"And why?"
"And what was that smoke?"
"Magic." The Mother Superior suddenly interrupted them, approaching the group. "It's here. I can feel it."
"Hi." Mary Margaret greeted her with a smile, taking her hands.
"Magic? In Storybrooke?" Henry exclaimed. "You're the Blue Fairy. Do something magical."
"It's not quite that simple, Henry." Mother Superior explained. "No wand, no fairy dust. Matters are complicated now."
"Let's go to the person responsible for bringing it" Leroy suddenly said. "The Queen."
"Yeah." The dwarfs approved. "Yeah, the Queen! Let's get her."
"Euh ..." Taylor started, not really pleased by this idea.
"No. Wait." Emma interrupted her. "It wasn't Regina."

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