Chapter 12

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 I was so tired and all I wanted to do was go to bed, but at the same time I was just happy to be home. It was quite refreshing to get here and be greeted by Ever. I have missed her so much even though we just met a little while ago; it feels like I have known her forever.

 So while I'm wishing I was in my bed I am sitting here on the couch with Ever beside me and I feel like I'm right where I need to be. Evan is sitting on the other side of her and it should feel like I am a third wheel, but it doesn't. It actually feels like he is the one intruding on our night together. 'Yeah I know I said I wouldn't think like this anymore, but I just can’t seem to help myself.'

 Dad decided to call it a night and went to his room, so that left us to just sitting around the living room. Evan picked out a movie to watch and we have all the lights off. Even though it is hot as hell outside Evan had the air conditioning on full blast so the house has a slight chill in the air. Ever decided she was cold since she is wearing short shorts and a tank top, which show off all her loveliness. Now she is wrapped up in a blanket with her legs underneath her. 'Man she is adorable.'

 My crazy brother decided to watch "Eight Legged Freaks." It's a pretty good movie, it’s not scary, but it is kind of funny. We just got started watching it when Evan disappeared into his room. "Where did he go?" Ever turns to me with a crazy look on her face. "There is no telling with him, you know that." I told her with a smile. She just shrugs and turns back to the movie, "Oh well, good riddance." She says under her breath but I still hear her. I want to ask her what happened while I was gone, but I don't want to pry. If she wants to tell me she will in her on time.

Evan finally comes back in. "Where did you go?" I ask him. "I had to go get us something to make the movie even better." I look up at him with a smirk, "What, popcorn?" "Ugh, no. I went and got us this." He says as he throws a baggie in my lap. "Cool man, you got a pipe or a bong?" He answers me by handing a pipe to Ever. She takes out her lighter and we are good to go.

 After a few hits a piece, the movie has become the most hilarious thing we have ever seen. Even the parts that are not funny are cracking me up.

The movie is almost over and I start getting these cravings. I should be used to this, but it never gets old. "I think I'm going to raid the kitchen and see what I can find." Evan starts laughing, "Good luck with that bro, because I have not went shopping. I didn't know you were coming home until Ever came over." I give him a death glare. "What the fuck man, you bring out the shit without even having food in the kitchen. You suck little bro you really do." Ever starts laughing at our exchange, but she sobers when she sees the look on my face.

 She gets up and walks to where I'm standing and grabs my hand, "Come on and I'll help you find something to snack on. I'm kind of hungry too. Let's leave jerk face to be by himself he doesn't deserve any food." Evan throws himself on the floor pretending like he's been killed. My brother the drama queen.

After searching the fridge and the cabinets, we finally find some crackers and peanut butter. "Perfect" we both agree. We are both chowing down on some delicious crackers when Evan comes in the kitchen and grabs Ever by the hips and pulls her to him. "I got to go out for a bit. I'll see you later or tomorrow?" He says and gives her a quick kiss and disappears out the door.

She turns around to look at me and she does not look happy at all, but she just shrugs her shoulders and picks up another cracker. Before I can catch myself, I put my hand on her shoulder and ask. "Do you want to talk about it?" She looks up at me and it almost looks like she is going to cry, so I pull her into a hug. "I'm fine, it’s okay. I knew what I was getting into when we started this mess. Hell it was my idea. I just wanted to be with someone. I was tired of being lonely in a crowd." She pulls away and tries to give me a reassuring smile, but it doesn't quite reach her eyes.

"Do you know where he is going?" She just shakes her head. "Who is he going to see?" "The same person he has been running to for the last month. That slut bag." I look at her shocked. "Emily?" She shakes her head yes. "I'm ok, really. I have had relationships like this before, but this is the first time I have actually met someone that I would like to have more with." I'm takes a back because the way she has been acting I didn't think she liked Evan Like that. What I was thinking must have been showing on my face, because she grabs my shoulders and looks me in the eyes and says, "I was talking about you not Evan."

She just keeps surprising me. "You are the first person that I feel like I can be myself with. I enjoy talking to you. Hell I like flirting with you especially when you blush like a school boy. I know you just want to be friends and I can handle that, but I am going to break up with your brother. I am done with him. The only reason I haven't done it yet is because I don't want to have to quit coming over here, or stop talking to you because it is too awkward. I feel like if I tell him I don't want him anymore, I will lose you in the long run and I just couldn't take that." She pauses and stares at me with so much hope in her eyes. "Please say something please!"

I didn't know what to say. I want her so much. I want to be with her. I would be happy for the rest of my life just to be her friend and keep her close. Looking back at her I can't get any of that to leave my lips so I do what my heart wants and grab her face in my hands and crush my lips to hers. She gasps and starts to kiss me back as her hands link behind my neck. My arms wrap around her waist as I deepen the kiss.

She feels so good in my arms; I don't want this moment to end. Then my sense kicks in and reluctantly I pull back and we both whimper at the loss of contact. "Man I have wanted to do that since that first night I met you. I want you too and I want to be more than friends, but I've never had a relationship before. I have never needed someone to be there, but since I first talked to you I have not been able to get you out of my head. Whatever happens between you and Evan will never effect how I feel about you. I want you in my life no matter what. With that said, I still do not want to act on these feelings while he thinks you two are still together even if he does have someone on the side. You are better than that and I do not want you to cheat with me." She gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Okay that sounds fair. Since I now know you will be there for me I am going to have a chat with your brother tomorrow. I just hope everything works out."

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