Chapter 13

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I finally woke up this morning or should I say afternoon. Man I haven't slept like that in a while. Instead of getting up though I decided to just lay there and think about what happened last night. A part of me still can not believe it, while the other part of me is jumping for joy. I can't believe she actually likes me as more than a friend and it isn't to use me or for my looks either.

I think I could see myself with this girl, no scratch that I know she is the one. She makes me laugh when I don't want to. I look forward to getting up in the morning because I know I will be talking to her eventually. For the first time in my life I don't feel sad or by myself.

I used to have my mom beside me. My mom and I were always pretty close, but it wasn't like I was a mommas boy or anything. She just understood me and knew how to take care of me. When I lost her so many years ago I thought I would never be able to be happy again.

I'm still laying in my bed when I hear Evan moving around the house and then I hear him leaving. I wonder where he is going and whether or not Ever will atually do what she said.

It's not like I am going to jump straight into a realtionship with her, that would feel to weird. I want to continue being friends and hang out with her. Then when the time is right I will ask her to be with me and only me. I don't think I could do the whole open thing. I mean I haven't brought myself to even sleep with one girl much less more than one at a time.

Since I am thinking about her so much I decide to send her a quick text.

Hey beautiful, good morning how r u feeling today. i just woke up.

I don't have to wait very long because she always keeps her phone with her and she never makes me wait unless she is at work or sleeping.

hey there cutie, you do realize its the afternoon right? im feeling fine i guess. i remember falling apart on u last night and im sorry for that.

dont b sorry that is what i am here for no matter what.

i know but still. im on my way to go meet Evan so we can have a talk. i decided to do it at a public place so he want cause a scene or try to make me change my mind.

ok i just heard him leave so i assume he is on his way. if u need me ill b there just let me know.

ok will do. ill see u soon

ttyl bye for now

Well I guess she is going to be true to her word. I just hope Evan doen't go crazy on her. I know he said he really liked her, but he still couldn't keep it in his pants long enough to show her.

I decide to get up and find me some food. Even though if memory serves me right there isn't any.

I step into the kitchen to find two notes. The first one is from my dad saying that he went to the store to get some groceries. I sigh to myself 'Thank God, I'm starving.' The second note is from Evan saying that he was going out to see Ever and probably wouldn't be back til late tonight. I just think to myself, 'Yeah the only way he is going to be out for more than an hour is if he is meeting up with Emily afterwards.' I just shake my head in disgust of him.


Dad finally showed up with some food, so we made some sandwhiches and sat down in front of the TV.

We ended up watching a game, but I wasn't really paying attention I was too involved with my food and the thoughts in my head.

Evan finally came home late that evening and plopped down next to me on the couch and stole my bag of chips. He smelled of girl's perfume, but it wasn't Ever's so he must have met up with some bimbo afterwards.

"Hey y'all, what's the score?" Dad is the one who answered him cause I couldn't even bring myself to look at him.

I wonder what happened because I haven't talked to Ever and it seems he left her a while ago and she hasn't called, so she is ether too upset to call and talk about it or she is fine with how things went down.

I couldn't take it anymore I had to ask. "So what did you and Ever do today. You were gone when I got up, but I saw your note." He gave me a sad smile. "On nothing much. We just talked and ate lunch," was all he said.

Dad looked over at me and stood up. "Well guys I would stay and talk about girls with y'all, but I am meeting up with the boys to go have a drink. I'll see y'all later unless I get lucky and in that case don't wait up." With that he strolled out of the room like he owned the place.

I looked over at Evan and I could tell that he was upset, but he did it to himself. "What's wrong? Did soemthing happen between you two?" I ask him. He looks up at me and it looks as if he is going to cry but surprisingly he doesn't. "She broke it off with me. I am so stupid. The best girl to ever be with me and I go and mess everything up. We had an ageement, but I should have known it couldn't work out like that. As soon as I felt things for her I should have said something and quit fooling around, and now she's gone out of my life."

I am taken aback at this. I mean I knew he said he liked her, but I didn't think it was that much becasue of all his whoring around. If you like soemone that much wouldn't you quit sleeping with other people. "What exactly did she say?"

"She said that she liked me as a friend and couldn't do our arrangement anymore, but she still wanted to be friends. She siad it was fun while it lasted, but now she needs to concentrate on working and her classes. Nothing I said would change her mind and now I've fucked up the one thing I thought was going good. Man I'm stupid."

I patted him on the back. " Yes you are stupid and you messed up, but it's for the best. You know you would have eventually hurt her and then you would not have been able to forgive yourself. Even if you had stopped cheating you have grown to resent her thinking it was her fault." I could see in his eyes that he was starting to get angry with me so I kept going. "Plus she still wants to be your friend doesn't that count for something. I'm friends with her so she will still be in your life one way or another."

"What are you saying. Your on her side. Since when did you become so buddy buddy with my girlfriend huh? Were you seeing her behind my back? Are you the reason she doesn't want me anymore? You are aren't you. Man I will never forgive you for this."

I could feel my temper starting to rise right along with his. "Really your going to take this out on me. No we are not seeing each other, we have just been talking as friends nothing more. And just because y'all are not seeing each other anymore is not going to keep me from talking to her. We both need someone who will not judge us and like us for who we are not what we are. So you can fuck off little brother." I got up and stomped to my room and shut the door.

I could hear him yelling behind me. "Yeah whatever man. Thanks for being such a wonderful brother to me. Here it was I thought you might actually care about me for a change but apparently not. So you can GO FUCK YOURSELF."

Love Out of HeartbreakOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora