Chapter 3

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Tired of tossing and turning, I Roll over and see that it is only five in the morning. So much for sleeping in on my weekend off. I decide to get up and go find some kind of food and caffeine, cause I think I'm gonna need it.

I make my way down the hallway to the kitchen. After turning on the light switch, I decide to start with the refrigerator but, big surprise there is nothing there. So coffee it is.

Well now that I am completely awake time for a shower. As I step out of the shower I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I never really considered myself to be overly attractive but I've been told that I have that pretty boy look. I myself do not see it though. I mean my hair is a dirty blonde and it always looks like I have bed head I can't ever seem to get it to do what I want. I've always been a bit on the lanky side but since I've been working, my arms and my chest are starting to fill out. I can even see my stomach starting to look like I might have a half of a six pack. God I feel like a girl examining myself, "Ugh stop it."

When I emerge from the bathroom completely disgusted with myself, I see that dad is awake. "Morning dad." I say as I paste the best smile I can muster on my face. My dad being my dad just grunts his annoyance at being awake at this hour. "So how long do we have before we leave out again?" I asked. His response, "We will probably leave tomorrow evening since we have to be back at work first thing Monday morning."

Well that just deflated my day even more. I know the money is good, but the staying gone for months at a time and only being home for a weekend is starting to get to me. It's a good thing I don't have a girlfriend to worry about disappointing.

"Why don't we go wake up junior and grab some breakfast?" I say. "Yeah sure that sounds good. You go wake him up and I'll grab a shower and get dressed." He said.

I don't even worry about knocking on his door because it's not like he will answer it, so I go in and take a running start and jump on his bed like I did when we were kids. 'Man I miss those days.' I start chanting "Get up, get up, get up," and all he does is roll over and groan. "Hey man seriously get up you have nothing to eat here so were going out for breakfast, so come on."

Finally I'm getting some food. With the cheeseburger from lunch wearing off and then no dinner, I feel like I'm starving. Waffle house here we come 'oh yeah, a waffle with scatter browns sounds awesome.'

I am so enthralled by my food that I am taken aback when I get this feeling I am being watched. I look up past Evan's shoulder towards the door and there she is staring at me. Our eyes lock and it's like I forget to breathe. The trance is finally broken when Evan suddenly gets up and goes straight for her and gives her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

He brings her over to the table and asks her to join us and all I can think is please go away I can not afford this in my life right now, but at the same time I want this. I want her to stay, I want any drama that comes with her as long as I can be near her.

"Hey again Mr. Walker, Brian" she says with that big cheeky grin and musical voice of hers. She looks so adorable with her hair in a pony tail and very little makeup. I like that she does not feel like she has to hide her looks. It's hot enough outside she has on a pair of shorts with a tank top and you gotta love her blue nail polish sticking out of her flip flops.

My dad acknowledges her with nod of his head. Then I realize everyone is waiting for me to respond, so I tell her how nice it is to see her out and about and I hope that I covered my embarrassment enough that no one noticed.

After that awkward moment I can't seem to enjoy my food anymore. I don't really like having to watch my brother paw at the girl I feel like is mine. 'Mine, where the hell did that come from I shouldn't be thinking like that I don't even know her.'

As the conversation continues with me saying the appropriate things when needed, I notice that every time I look up I catch her looking at me. She quickly looks away but I know I saw her. 'Lord I hope it's not my imagination.'

I go to pay the check and my dad says he wants me to drop him off at the house for a while. We drop him off and decide to meet up with Ever down at the marina, figuring we'll go for a swim.

With our swim trunks on and a cooler full of drinks and snacks in the back of the truck; we make our way down to the marina bar and grill. Once there Ever climbs into my truck, and god help me Evan lets her get in the middle between us. Even though my truck is a king cab.

I lock in the four wheel drive and hit the back roads down to the watering hole we like to swim at. It's this quiet little spot with a cliff to dive off of into the deepest part of the lake. One crazy year we decided to tie a rope to a branch that hangs out over the water. 'Lots of fun to be had indeed.'

On the dive down there her presence is driving me crazy. "So Ever what are you doing for your summer?" "I'm taking the summer semester off, so I can work and save up some money." "What are you majoring in?" "I'm studying to get my Associates in Business, I plan on moving out of this small town and starting my own business." Wow this girl has ambition, I like that. 

Evan clears his throat, "So you and dad still leaving out tomorrow evening?" "Yep that's the plan as far as I know." "Man that's a short time to hang out, when is the next time you will be home?" "Oh I don't know, I hoping it won't be long though. Why you can't live without me?" I ask with a wink at Ever. We all laugh.

We have to park on the hill and hike down to the water. It's a pretty steep hill so I take the lead carrying our stuff and Ever is in the middle. Evan brings up the rear with the cooler. On our way down, all I hear is "oh shit" and the next thing I know our stuff is on the ground as I turn to catch her.

I look down at her gazing up at me, and all I can feel is her pressed to my body chest to chest. Her arms are wrapped around my neck with mine around her waist. 'She smells so good, is that vanilla.' her "thank you" snaps me out of it. Then she stuns me by gripping my arms and says, "I'm so lucky to have a big strong man to save me." "Your welcome, I'm just glad I was here to catch you."

"Ok then, Brian if you are done fondling my girl. I would like to go swimming. It's so damn hot out today." He says with a smile.

What the hell just happened, was she flirting with me. She's supposed to be with Evan.

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