Chapter 6

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The music was so loud I could not hear myself talk. There was no way possible to have an intelligent conversation, so I gave up and started drinking. After about four beers the song Hot Mess by Cobra Starship came on and my eyes instantly landed on Ever.

She looked at me and got this look in her eye and then grabbed my hand and leaded me to the make shift dance floor in the dining room. The whole way I am protesting saying that I can't dance, but she is not having any of it. 

As we make it to the center of the dance floor, she turns around with her back to my chest and puts my hands on her hips. There is hardly any room to move, there are bodies everywhere. I have danced with other girls against my will before, but this is the first time that I am actually enjoying myself.

She is swaying her body to the music and as she is moving I can feel her pressed up against me. I am getting so into the dancing that I don't even realize my hands are starting to grip her hips. I'm gently guiding her against me. My fingertips find their way to underneath the heam of her shirt. When my fingers touch her skin I feel her shiver and take in a deep breath and let is out slowly. The next thing I know she is pressed completely up agianst me and she leans back with her head on my shoulder.

I turn so that I can talk in her ear, "I think I've had to much to drink." She just smiles and says, "I don't think you've had enough if your still thinking." She turns around and skims her hands across my ribs, over my stomach, up my chest, and to rest on my shoulders and leans in so close to me we that i can feel every inch of her. I find myself just staring into her eyes while gripping her waist. I keep asking myself 'what do I do, she has to be into you, you like her and you've never felt this way about anybody, but she's with your brother; even if it is an open relationship thing.'

Finally I snap out of it cause I just can not do that to my brother. "You are with my brother." Something that I can't read comes over her face, it's alomst like disappointment mixed with disgust but I can't tell. "Your right, I'm sorry. There's just something about you, so innocent. You don't seem to be anything like your brother and I find myself wanting to get close to you." "I'm sorry too, because as long as your sleeping with my brother the only thing I can offer is friendship. Even though all I really wanna do is to take you home and lose all my innocence." With that said I give her a quick kiss on the nose.<3

The music changes to something slow with a beat. It's an all time favorite of mine and if I don't get off this dance floor and home alone now, then I will probably forget I have a brother. The song is Nice and Slow by Usher.

I look at Ever, "I think I could use another drink, you want one?" "Yeah, I'll come with you." 

We make our way back through the crowds, which is starting to get unruly. 'Thank God it's not my house.' We are almost to the kitchen when I realize, not only have I not seen Evan in a while but Emily is missing too.

As I walk up to the bar and reach for a cup, Ever grabs my hand and pulls me so that she can talk in my ear. "Evan disappeared with your friend slutface, I think I'm going to need something more than a drink. You want to join me?" Damn, I thought I was the only one who noticed, but oh well his loss. He just doesn't know what a good thing he has. She may have hit on me earlier, but I was grabbing all over her and we're both a little buzzed. We managed to come to our senses, but he ditched her at a party to fuck someone else. "Yeah, let's go. After you milady." And yes I take a bow.

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