Chapter 7

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As we step outside we can still hear the music blaring. Its changed again to some techno dance music,'seriously who is their DJ.'

The back yard is huge. It has this big garden with a small pond and a gazebo. We decide to make our way over to the gazebo. I grab a seat on one of the benches while Ever climbs up on the railing beside me. "You got a light," she asks while handing me the smoke. "Yep sure do, never leave home without it. You never know where you might end up." I give her a wink as I light the smoke and take a long drag and pass it back to her.

Smoking has a very calming affect on me, so when we are through we sort of fall into this comfortable silence. I am so dazed I don't even feel her move, but she has situated herself behind me and is running her hands through my hair. "I love your hair, it is so soft. How do you get it be so soft? I cant't get mine to even grow. Oh my God I'm rambling aren't I. I'm sorry."

All I can do is groan because it feels so good. "Just keep going, it feels nice." on that note she moves her hands down my neck and to my shoulders, where she proceeds to massage me. On reflex my head falls forward to give her better access. "You are so tense, you need to relax more." "I know I try, but I just have so much to do and a lot on my mind. There's not enough hours in the day."

Feeling relaxed I started to doze off with my head on her knee. The next thing I know I am being poked in the shoulder. I open my eyes to find Evan staring at me. "Brian get up. What are y'all doing out here asleep?" 'What is he talking about.' I go to sit up and realize I can't move. I look down and somehow Ever got down off the rail and was cuddled up in my lap sound asleep.

I look up at Evan and he arches is brow at me, "Is there something you want to tell me big brother?" he asks with a smirk. "No, we came outside for fresh air and had a smoke. You know what happens when I smoke, I get too relaxed and she rubbed my shoulders. I must have fallen asleep. What about you, you disappeared with Emily. Is there anything I need to know?" I ask with a frown. He just gives me a blank look and shrugs his shoulders. He turned and walked away calling over his shoulder, "come on so we can get home. You have a long day tomorrow."

I reached down and stroked Ever's cheek telling her she needed to wake up. She came to with a start. She jumped so bad she nearly fell off my lap. "I'm so sorry, but you fell asleep and looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake you. At first I just let you lay on my leg, but then the night air started to get nippy, so I sat beside you. I don't know how I ended up in your lap." "It's ok, what are friends for if we can not keep each other warm. Come on Evan is waiting for us."

Once I was back home, I went straight back to my room and climbed in bed Evan was right I did have a long day ahead of me. We dropped Ever off at her house and she was reluctant to get out of the car. The carefree attitude was gone and replaced by a reservedness. 'I will have to think about this more later, right now I need some sleep.'


The next day I woke up to the annoying sound of morning. 'When will I ever learn not to drink beer, it gives me such a headache the next day.' The sun is so bright, 'note to self buy some darker curtains.' 

I crawl myself out of bed, vowing to myself never again. Yeah right, like that is going to happen. I laugh to myself because I know that I will eventually do it again.

I make my way to the kitchen to get something to drink and some Aleve. While I am sitting on a stool at the bar, Evan comes strutting in like he wasn't partying all night last night and cheating on his girl. He acts like he doesn't have a care in the world.

"Hey man, the shower is free." He says while running a towel through his hair. "Thanks, I could use one. Maybe it will help my headache. Man it feels like I got hit with a baseball bat." He laughs at me, "Yeah, you were drinking pretty fast last night. It was pretty hard to watch you drink like that." "Is that why you went off somewhere with Emily? I guess she finally got the message that I didn't want her and she moved on to you." 

"I guess, she showed up out of nowhere pouting about you. SHe kept asking me why doesn't Brian like me? I was just trying to soothe her ego and let her know she was hot and you were just blind. The next thing I remember she was kissing me and one thing led to another. I'm a guy what can I say, when a girl throws herself at me how can I say no?" "But you are supposed to be with Ever. You even told me that you really like her." "I do, but you know how bad I am at this. We are supposed to have this open thing going on. I get the best of both worlds, I have a girlfriend I enjoy spending time with and if I slip up she does not go crazy on my ass." "Whatever man, you are crazy if you think that shit is going to last." I walk away shaking my head at his stupid ass.

The shower was nice and I am feeling much better, now it is time to get my little bit of stuff packed up and head out.

I bring my bags into the livingroom and set them down by the door. Dad has already showered and is also ready and waiting. I plop down on the other end of the couch. "So dad, you ready to go?" "Yeah was just waiting on your slow ass to get going. I don't know why you had to go out partying all night when you knew we had to leave today?" Aw, your just mad we didn't invite you." We both laugh.

As we are walking out the door to leave, Ever's mustang pulls up in the driveway. She jumps out of the car and runs up on the porch. "I'm so glad I caught yall before you left. I know you said you didn't know how long you would be gone this time, and I figured you get bored while your gone. Since we are friends now I wanted you to have my number for when you get bored." She said with the sweetest smile as she took my phone and programmed her number. 

"Thank you, it would be nice to have someone other than Evan to talk to." "Hey, I am an excellent person to talk to. Just look at me." "And you have proven my point." I whisper to Ever, "See what i Have to deal with." "Trust me, I feel your pain." "Hey, your supposed to be on my side, your my girl." He grabs his chest faking hurt. "Yeah, yeah keep dreaming." We all bust out laughing at Evan's expense.

"Well, lets get moving. We got a long drive ahead of us. Brian your up first." Dad tosses me the keys. I give Evan a hug goodbye and tell him to stay out of trouble while we're gone. Ever grabs me by the shoulder and spins me into a crushing hug. "I'm glad I got to meet you, I feel like we are going to be good friends." "Me too, take care of lover boy while I'm gone." I give a quick kiss on the top of her head and then get in the car with dad. "Let's go."

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