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The horse’s head, a land created by three gods. One half man half horse, creator of the land, one in the form of water, creator of the great oceans and one of fire and lights creator of the sun, moon, stars and heavens. The three gods combined their skills and made man, to serve and protect the land shaped like a horse’s head, its surrounding oceans and to protect all creatures. It’s been over 1000 years since the gods transcended to the heavens and left man to fend for himself. Nothing but war, corruption, betrayal and death came of it. At mouths end, a great city that sits at the tip of the river forming the horse’s mouth is the stallion throne. He who sits in this throne swears an oath to the gods, to do right by the land and all living things within. But kings will be kings, they bend the religion to suit their own will, to exempt their sins and justify their greed.

The land is now cursed by King Rose, the former lord of Fallstone. The last King was an honest and kind man who concentrated more on reducing poverty throughout the land than making the five major cities richer. He created a small army of his best men, the rarest men who had similar morals and flawless virtue. He built them to see his plans to fruition throughout the kingdom; he called them the one in a millions. Lord Rose spent years building his rebellion force that eventually attacked Mouths End and relieved the King of his duties and his life.

Now with the One in a millions gone and King Crowe dead, Rose sits on the throne and the land has fallen to a corrupt and dangerous place. The fate of the land is in the hands of the worst King it has ever seen, in the hands of a murderous traitor

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