Chapter 22

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Hey guys! Guess what! Last chapter before the epilogue! ;-; Hope you enjoy this one. Word of warning, you'll need the tissues at hand. That all I'm going to say.

-Brice's POV-

"Brice, you need to choose. He's losing too much blood. We can only save one of them: save Seto, or save the baby!"

Those words rang hollow in my heart, like empty church bells.

My brain shutdown, and my breath hitched, air knocked out of my like a lead weight, staring incredulously at a sorry looking Chase.

I... I need to choose? Between the life of my husband, and the life of my unborn child?

"Brice, hurry! We don't have much time, we could lose them both!" Colin pleaded, endlessly pressing buttons on that machine.

His voice sounded muffled, like there was cotton wool in my ears, numbing pain seeping from my ice cold heart.

How can I choose? Why do I need to choose? Why can't they both be ok?


Chase's voice cut through the thick fog, and I blinked back, sucking in a burning gasp of air.

"I... I-I m- Seto, save S-Seto!" I choked out, tears streaming down my face.

Chase gave a solemn nod, Colin grab it two more towels, and I watched as they began cutting deeper and deeper into my husband.

I had to look away. I felt sick. I glanced down at Seto, who was still and pale, his head cradled in my lap, lips parted slightly, eyes closed lightly. It was as if he was just asleep, not fighting for his life.

I, I just couldn't lose him, not now, not ever. He's the love of my life, and dammit I knew I was selfish, but how could I ever raise our child if part of me was gone?

If he were here awake right now, he would be begging them, pleading for them to save Spud, save the baby instead of him, it's life over his, because that's the person he is. Willing to sacrifice all he's got for others.

God I'm so selfish

I hope you can forgive me Seto. I'm so sorry. I can't live without you.

"I'm sorry, baby, I-I'm so sorry." I whispered, kissing the shell of his ear as I wept, tears falling like raindrops onto his alabaster skin.

'You're just like your father, abandoning your child like he abandoned you.'

I sobbed into Seto's hair, Chase and Colin and Hanson and everything else in the room forgotten, the only sound the faint thrum of his heartbeat ringing in my ear.

Seto's body gave a light shudder, and I looked up through blurred vision, to see Chase hastily pass a small red bundle to Colin, who bit his lip, tears silently dripping down his face as he wrapped it in towels, gently cradling it in the crook of his arm, while Chase turned back to tend to Seto, trembling a little as he did so.

A wail ripped through me as I couldn't take my eyes off the bundle, our baby, our little Spud.

Was gone.

"Oh God, o-oh God, I'm s-so sorry, I'm so fucking sorry Seto." I whimpered, hand cupping my mouth as Colin used the towels to gently clean our baby, who was so still I knew the image would haunt me until my dying day.

Chase stood, pulling a fresh blanket out and gently pulling it over Seto, tucking him in carefully, passing red sparks over his covered abdomen, healing him enough to stop the pain.

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