Chapter 7

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Sup guys! Last one was a bit of a shocker, but here's the next one, with the addition of a cute little OC you'll love :3 Hope you enjoy!

-Brice's POV -

"He's what?!" Jerome growled, confusion and anger rolling off him in waves as he paced the living floor.

Mitch sat, wide eyed, on the couch, jaw loose and breath rapid. I grimaced, nodding at the furious bacca.

After calling Chase only to be met with his apparent boyfriend, I had arranged for him to meet us at his house in a couple of days, with Mitch and Jerome.

He didn't seemed fazed by the fact that a former victim of his, and his livid, bacca mate would be coming around for a chat.

Seto sighed, moving over to a stunned Mitch, wrapping an arm around his shoulder, waiting for when he snapped out of his numb state.

"Look, in two days you can get all your answers, and hopefully some closure. You may even become friends in the future, but in the meantime, Mitch is frozen, and we're hungry." he stated firmly, pointing at his stomach and squeezing Mitch's shoulder at the same time.

Jerome stopped pacing at the mention of his mates name, and I smiled at Seto as he rubbed his pregnant tummy, then he scooting away from a now quivering Mitch as Jerome leapt up and enveloped up him in his arms, muttering and cooing in his ear.

Seto smiled at the two, before his stomach let out a sound like a dying llama, making him blush and me chuckle, as I stood and walked over to my flustered husband, stretching my hand out to him and hauling him up, earning a giggle from him.

"Te tam bellus, virum." Seto squeaked, and I raised my eyebrow as he looked at me fondly.

Sometimes he slipped into Latin when he got worked up, I found out, after 6 months of him speaking. He told me that most sorcerers were fluent, so I didn't question it.

I even asked him to teach me, although apart from the odd 'carpe diem' and the occasional endearment I picked up, I never really grasped it.

However, I held onto the little I did know for the bedroom. Apparently dead languages turned on my little husband no end.

I smirked at him as I let my thoughts shift to the gutter, towing him to the kitchen so I could make my babies some food.

I gripped his hips securely and lifted him up onto the counter, grazing my fingertips over his tummy as I pulled away to the fridge, opening it and musing over the contents.

After much pondering over my amazing cooking skills, note the sarcasm, I pulled out a carton of eggs and some milk, closing the fridge and setting the ingredients down as I rooted through the cupboard for a bowl and a pan. French toast it is.

As I dipped the bread in the sweet mixture, I glanced at Seto who was staring hungrily At the pan, eyes locked on the sizzling bread as I turned it.

I smirked, flipping the sweet treat onto a plate and handing him the maple syrup along with it after he hoped off the counter, sitting down eagerly.

"I have a feeling you and Spud may eat us out of house and home." I chuckled, as Seto drowned his food in the syrup and began devouring it, knife and fork scraping the plate as he scarfed it down.

He looked at me with a glare, chewing the last piece if his French toast with a sticky pout, syrup and flecks of bread all over his face.

Just the look on his face was enough to send me into a fit of laughter, tears pricking my eyes as I almost collapsed on the counter with laughter.

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