Chapter 17

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Hey guys! It's been a couple of weeks, but I was on holiday, so I didn't really have time to do a full chappie, just one shots! So here is the next chappie! Enjoy! :)

-Brice's POV-

"And you're sure this won't hurt the baby?" I asked, biting my thumb nervously as Chase stirred the strange looking potion, watching it simmer and fizz, Colin passing him vials and organic things hat look like they belong in a freaking sci fi movie!

Chase sighed for the millionth time, glancing up at me with a withering look.

"If you ask again, you can be unconscious for this scam as well. Yes it's perfectly safe for both Seto and the baby. Now, pass me that Nether Wort and quit acting like a pussy." he snapped, hand outstretched impatiently, waiting for the weird ass plant.

I huffed, snatching up the neither worm or whatever it was and handing it to him, crossing my arms across my chest.

I looked up when I heard shuffling feet, and Seto waddled in, holding his back with a tight grimace.

"Is it ready yet?" he asked with a hiss, wincing as he rubbed the small of his back, whispering to the bump quietly.

My eyes widened as he leant against the wall, brow furrowed in pain, and I rushed over to him, gently taking his tensing hands in mine, slipping an arm around his waist for support.

The last few weeks had been pretty miserable for him, since his growing stomach had started causing nasty back pain, and more than a few nights I've had to hold him while he cries in my arms from the pain and stress it causes.

It came to a head a couple of days ago, when he couldn't even get out of bed. It hurt me to see my baby go through so much and me not being able to help.

So, because normal medication wouldn't work, Chase was making some sort of ointment that's supposed to stop the pain, and a drink to take every morning and night to minimise it and help strengthen the baby.

Just because it's going to do Seto some good, doesn't mean I'm not nervous about him taking the potion - if you'd seen what's gone into it, you'd probably agree.

"Are you ok, love? Do you need to sit down for a second?" I asked nervously, helping him towards the couch.

He sighed, nodding his head as he clutched under his bump, lowering himself onto the couch cushions gingerly.

He smiled tiredly, mumbling a quiet 'thank you', then looked over to our coffee table, currently housing a Bunsen burner and a bubbling potion, spitting out little splashes of whatever it was every now and then.

At least it wouldn't stain the carpet too badly. Seto hummed irately, pursing his lips as he watched Colin and Chase work.

"Done." Chase suddenly grunted, pouring a pale green liquid into a jar, screwing he lid on and shaking vigorously.

Seto made a pleased sound, reaching over to take the jar, when he hissed, tensing as he moved his back the wrong way.

Alarmed, I quickly took the ointment, flashing Chase a grateful look as he began on the drink, to which he nodded, and I helped a grumbling Seto stand again, leading him to our bedroom.

Friend or not, here was no way I was letting Chase near my baby naked like this.

I grinned softly as Seto struggled out of his clothes, whining as a new pain hit him. Time for a long needed back rub for him, poor baby.

Seto sighed softly as he finally eased onto the bed, only in his boxers, and I slipped off my own shirt, leaving me in my sweats, telling myself it was in case I got any magic goop on me.

Unspoken - SetoSolace fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें