Chapter 22

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My mother drew me into a tight hug as I sobbed into her hair. I couldn't believe that she was finally here, after all these years.

"Mama, what happened? How did you find us? I still don't understand," I said.

"Hush. All your questions will be answered soon but we need to get going. Your father may already be on his way," she said, wiping the tears from my eyes.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me down a dark hallway. I turned around and gestured for the rest of the group to follow.

We went through a series of twists and turns before reaching a huge wooden door.

My mother swung the door open, revealing a van with some sort of logo on the side. She ran to it and opened up the back doors, signaling for us to get in.

I was just about to get in when her hand shot out in front of me.

"Not you, Sephora. I want you to stay with me, in the front," she said.

I smiled widely at my mother, pleased that she wanted to spend time with me.

I was already heading to the front seat when Uncle Dan popped out from the back.

"Rebecca, I think it would be best for Sephora to stay with us. If she's at the front, she could be recognized. Her face is plastered all over the news," he said.

I could feel the smile fading from my face.

"Don't worry Daniel, everything has been taken care of," my mother said. Uncle Dan's face squeezed in shock as the door slammed shut.

I made my way to the front seat, pushing away all the weird feelings that  arose during my mother and Uncle Dan's interaction.

My mother got in, started up the van and pulled out to the road. We drove in silence for a few minutes before I decided to speak.

"I hope you have enough space for all of us at your base. I know things may be tight but I am sure we can help around," I said.

"Huh... Oh yeah, sure," she said distractedly.

The weird feelings returned but I decided to try again.

"I love how well you planned everything. It still baffles me how you knew Des would complete her mission, even though she was so young at the time," I said.

"Oh, yes. I always knew she had it in her. From the moment I saw her training, I knew the little blond haired firecracker was the best fit for the job," my mother replied, looking nostalgic.

"That's Lila," I said.

"What?" my mother asked, looking at me in confusion.

"Lila has blond hair, not Des. Des' hair is auburn."

"Oh, yes. I must have forgotten. Silly me," she said laughing.

I laughed with her, though I knew something wasn't right. I used my energy to check up on the others but found that something was blocking me. I knew I had to get out of there.

"You know, I missed you so much over the years. I often felt like there was a void in me that couldn't be filled. It was in times like this that I would use the locket you gave me, the one with the picture of you and Dad inside. Do you remember?" I asked, watching her reaction carefully.

"Yes, I do remember the locket. It had such a beautiful picture of your father and I," she replied.

Wrong answer

"Who the hell are you?" I asked, drawing my power into my hands. I turned to the woman posing as my mother.

"What do you mean sweetie? I am your..." The woman trailed off as she saw my hands. Her previously calm expression twisted into a snarl.

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