Chapter 5

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The next day, I was staring out of the window, in the back of Des' truck.

As I watched the trees fly by, I felt the prick of tears burning behind my eyes. I thought back to the previous day with Jade. It was like my mind knew I couldn't stay, yet my heart was unable comprehend the fact that I probably wouldn't see her again or at least not for a very long time.

I wiped some stray tears that had broken through and glanced at the front of the car. Des wasn't speaking to me because she had been forced to trade in her BMW, when I told her I wasn't leaving without Streak. She had been sending me withering looks for the past hour but had now decided to pretend I didn't exist.

Eventually, the silence became too much to bear and I decided to make conversation.

"So, your name is Destiny? Like the song?" I asked.

My smile was quickly wiped off my face when Des pulled over and glared at me.

I should have kept quiet.

"Listen, that was my mother's name and she was a great woman so never knock it because if you do I will rip you apart! I already get enough crap about it from the guys so don't you dare start." Her voice got louder with each word.

I looked at her in shock, not because she was screaming but because her eyes were filling with tears.

"Where's your mother?" I asked softly.

"Gone." She turned back and started the car.

I guess we have something in common.

I knew from personal experience that these situations could get awkward fast so I quickly moved on.

"Did she work in the same organisation?"

Des continued to stare at me while I waited to see if she would accept my olive branch.

"Yeah. It's kind of a family thing. Usually if your parents are working for the organization then you have a chance of joining when you are old enough."

"So, what is it that the HQ does?" I asked.

"I am not permitted to reveal that information," Des replied, effectively shutting me down.

After that joyful statement, we spent the rest of the ride in silence.

Once we got to the airport, two people unclipped Streak from the back of the truck and rolled her, under my careful instructions, into the cargo area of the plane.

Des got out and walked into the plane, never once sparing a glance in my direction. I followed close behind her, passing my luggage to a friendly flight attendant.

Suddenly, I heard Des scream from inside the plane.

"What are you doing here?!"

I rushed to where she was and saw her standing in the middle of the plane addressing a guy.

At first glance, it was obvious that this guy was not one to mess with.

He was a couple of inches taller than Des but his commanding stance made him look much bigger. As if this wasn't intimidating enough, he was well built and packed with muscles.

Like Des, he was dressed in black from top to bottom, the only exception being a gold Rolex watch on his wrist.

The boy brushed his shaggy, blond hair away from his face, revealing emerald green eyes and a fierce glare.

"I'm here to pick up your new partner."

His voice was low and powerful, with a deadly edge to it.

Des was not affected by this and glared right back at him.

"I told you I don't need a new partner, Caleb."


"The Council has decided that you do need a partner. Your recent reckless behaviour has made it evident that you need someone to keep an eye on you." His tone left no room for argument and he moved back to his seat.

Des seemed done with conversation and looked around the plane.

"So, where is she then?" she asked, looking like she was ready for a fight.

"I'm right here."

That voice. I know that voice.



I felt like two different worlds were colliding in my mind, squeezing out all sensible thought.

Des was the first to speak and break the silence.

"Wait, you two know each other?"

No one answered her. I just stared at Jade, trying to comprehend what I was seeing.

Jade was looking straight back at me. Her eyes were sending me a message, begging me to understand, to forgive.

"This is Jade, my best friend." My voice was dull and lifeless even to my own ears.

Jade looked down, embarrassed.

"My name is actually Saydel. Jade was my cover name.

The plane descended into an awkward silence so Caleb decided it was a good time for him to talk.

"Agent Saydel has been working undercover for the past few years to protect one of the last members of the core families."

"Who are the core families?" I asked, temporarily pushing Jade, I mean Saydel, out if my mind.

Caleb turned to Des.

"You haven't explained this to her, yet?"

Des simply shrugged and pulled me down to one of the seats as the flight attendant told us the plane was taking off.

Caleb and Jade took their seats as well.

My stomach lurched and Jade shot me a small smile knowing how much I hated planes. I turned away from her, ignoring the hurt look on her face.

Eventually the pilot took off the seatbelt sign and Caleb answered my question.

"The organization we work in was created by the five core families. These families have the strongest bloodlines, descending from some of the most dangerous and intellectual people that have ever lived. They pass on the legacy to their first born child."

"You said Agent Saydel was guarding one of the last members of the core families. Where are they rest?" I asked.

"The core families were supposedly killed off around World War 2." He paused briefly before carrying on.

"Agent Saydel was guarding one of the last of the core families. But you just said that all the core members were killed," I asked.

"That's what we thought too but a few years back we got some intel from an unknown source revealing the names of the last core family members. Since then we have successfully found each of them. Master Aristos, Master Vallaci, Master Eltelln and Master Salden are all at the facility.
We had been looking for the Cronus member, the last family. We did some research and found out that she had been living in this area for a while. We wanted to take her away immediately but we couldn't risk the Hunters getting suspicious and looking into the case."

"Hold on, are you telling me that there is a living member of the core families here in this city?" Des said.


"Then where is she?" I said.

"She," Caleb turned to face me, "is you."

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