Chapter 11

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As I straightened up, I could not believe my eyes. I was standing in what seemed to be a forest but at the same time it wasn't .

The place was filled with luscious vegetation and tall trees. The air was hot and humid. It was a forest in every sense of the word. Yet, there was something off about the whole thing.

"What is this place?" asked Alex, as he looked around, "This shouldn't be possible. There is no way sunlight can reach here. How is there any life?"

"I think you should be asking High Master Cronus that," replied High Trainer Globe.

Everyone, except High Trainer Globe, turned to me with questions in their eyes. High Trainer Globe's smile was as bright as ever.

I stood there, awkwardly looking at everyone with absolutely no clue regarding what I was meant to say.

I looked at the forest again, this time paying more attention. I caught site of a tree that seemed to glow at the edges with a faint red colour.

"Everything here runs on energy, " I said in awe.

High Trainer Globe's smile widened.

"That's right High Master Cronus but is that all. Masters take a closer look."

I looked at everything closely again, forcing myself to ignore the beauty .

"It's an obstacle course."

We all turned to Luke in shock, not only surprised that he had talked but at the fact that he was right.

The forest was really an elaborate obstacle course in disguise. Swinging ropes made to look like vines, ditches in the ground at strategic areas, a steep hill that looked to have ridges in it, a rushing river with hoops formed by the roots of trees, and so much more. 

"You are correct Master Aristos. This Arena was specially designed by Mr. Stuart Cronus. It was one of the ideas he had but could not implement before his death. He wanted to create a living training centre for the core family members with powers. He designed it in such a way that it could only be activated by the joint powers of the core family members. It also identifies the weaknesses within the members and adapts in order to strengthen them."

"So that was the old energy I felt back in the dome, " I said.

"Yes it was. I assume you all felt it." Everyone agreed.

"Good. That is the energy that assess you to find out your weaknesses. It also protects the Arena from unwelcome visitors by making sure only those who have the energy can be admitted."

"So if it only allows people with energy to enter, G, why'd it let you in?"

"It let me in Master Eltelln because I contain some energy."

"WHAT?" we all shouted.

"So, what's your power?" Lila asked.

"Allow me to explain, Master Vallaci. My family used to be servants to Mr. Stuart Cronus. My great- grandfather was so loyal to Mr. Cronus that he packed up his life and family ran away with him. Mr. Cronus was so touched that he gave my great-grandfather's son, my grandfather, a strand of pure energy. The energy gave them enhanced memory that would be transferred from generation to generation. It also gave them slightly enhanced physical abilities. With this, Mr. Cronus created the Guardians of the Core Families and he called them High Trainers. The energy given to them was special because it not only transferred to the person's first born child it remained with the person till death."


"Now, let's get to the reason we are all here. In front of you is a path. This is the path you must take to start your training for today. Once you are all on the path, the forest will shift and adapt to you need and the obstacles and trials will appear. You must learn to work as a group to overcome these challenges. Not all the challenges given to you will be physical. Some will test your mental and emotional strength. You may be forced to make some tough decisions that may change you forever. You may end up questioning who you really are. The truth is I don't know what exactly will happen when you step in there. All I know is what has been passed down to me. But, in every quest, teamwork has always been the key. So make sure to keep that in mind. You may begin."

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