Chapter 18

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Before any of us could move, Des slammed her fist across Jaydel's face. Jaydel blacked out on impact and fell to the floor with a hard thud.

Des looked at Jaydel for a few seconds before not-so-gently kicking her in the ribs.

"One punch huh, that's all it took. That is a pity," she said, shaking her head mockingly.

She turned to Caleb and gave him a sweet smile.

"Gosh, Caleb. First you bring princess here who almost got us killed. Then you bring Jaydel who also tries to kill us. Next time you should just bring a machine gun," she snarled rolling her eyes.

Caleb looked at Uncle Dan, completely ignoring Des.

"Uncle, we need to get out of here, fast. Hunters are going to be all over this place in a matter of seconds," he said .

"Relax boy. My software blocks all signals going in and coming out of this house. The Hunters didn't receive the signal but it won't be long before they get impatient and storm in anyway. The software only bought us about ten minutes, max," Uncle Dan said.

"So, here's what I propose," he continued, "Timmy and I have an evacuation plan that will not only buy us some time, but also enable us to leave without a trace. What do you think Caleb?"

"I trust your judgement, Uncle," Caleb replied.

Uncle Dan got a wicked gleam in his eye as he turned to Timmy.

"Son, execute Final Stand," he said smiling.

Timmy's eyes widened at those words. He looked around the house slowly before stopping mid turn.

"Dad, what about those people?" he said, pointing and Jaydel and the two men.

"That's right. They would spoil the fun. Hmm..." Uncle Dan tapped his chin thoughtfully for a couple of seconds. Then snapped his fingers and turned to us.

"Which one of you has the speed talent?" he asked.

Lila timidly put up her hand.

"Good. I need you to take each of these people into the woods. They don't need to be too far away, maybe about a hundred metres," he said.

Lila gave him a quick nod and in less than a minute she had completed her task.

"Whoa," Timmy said, with his mouth hanging open.

Lila gave him a smile causing Timmy to look down at the floor.

"Thank you. Timmy will take you to the meeting spot while I take care of some business over here. Timmy you know the drill. If I am not there in ten minutes you have to leave," Uncle Dan said pinning him with a stern glare.

"Cool. But just in case I forget, you should probably get there on time." Timmy said, grinning cheekily.

Uncle Dan laughed  before pulling him into a tight hug and pointed him towards the door. Timmy grabbed a pack from a nearby closet before gesturing for us to follow him.

We grabbed our stuffed and trailed after him, wondering what was going on.

Timmy took us on a strange path through the forest. He would walk in one direction for a couple of seconds before randomly twisting around to another path.

Finally, we got to a small clearing. Timmy immediately sat on a stump, brought out a handheld device and started playing a game. The rest of us just stood around waiting for something to happen.

A couple of minutes later, Timmy looked at his watch and smiled. He reached into his pack and brought out a set of headphones. He put them on and glanced at his watch again.

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