I watched her rest her head on Liam’s shoulder and pull the blanket up to her chin, closing off sight of her enchanting blue eyes with her eyelids. I was the only one to see a single tear make its way down her cheek and fall on the material of Liam’s shirt, leaving a small water stain. However, Liam was the one who wrapped an arm around her and pulled her closer to his chest.

  Feeling completely left out, I turned to Zayn and poked his arm. I pointed at Larry Stylinson, and then to… Diam… Stayne...yea, Diam Stayne in front of us. Zayn smirked and ruffled my hair before saying, “You have to buy me dinner before I cuddle, Ni.”


*Delia’s P.O.V.*

  I tried to apply my make-up like Lou had done yesterday for the signing taking place in just a few minutes, but was failing miserably. Frustrated, I shoved all the supplies into my bag, and turned to leave out of the bathroom. When Liam had woken me up again, we were in Glasgow and I had never been so happy to be in a foreign country in all my life. I did not speak a word to anyone but Liam as we made our way out of the airport and to our van that took us to the building we are in now. It was mainly just a huge space set up with a table at the end for signing, and metal chains set up in a maze to order the lines. A huge poster reading One Direction hung behind the table that was set with six chairs.

  Preston and a woman named Caroline had greeted us here, and handed us each clothes to change into that would make us look nice. The worst thing about my green skinny jeans and Beatles t-shirt though, was the fact that the color scheme for the band was green, and we were all matching. Whether with a jacket, t-shirt, belt, or jeans, we all wore green like an actual band.

  As soon as I stepped out of the bathroom, I saw the hundreds of screaming people lined up to get our autographs and then the five bickering boys off to the side. I turned on my heel and walked right back into the bathroom. I leaned back against the wall and took deep, calming breaths. I needed to face one thing at a time, but it was hard when I was being thrown a screaming crowd and an angry boy band all at once. I tried to pick out what the boys were saying over the screaming and depicted:

“What are you trying to achieve by doing this, Li?” Niall asked.

  Liam returned, “Nothing! I’m just doing the right thing.”

 “The right thing would be to stick with your friends,” Zayn said. “because they mean more.”

 “Harry?” Liam said. “Do you agree with them?”

 “I couldn’t care less about anything having to do with her.” Harry shot back and I felt like someone had taken a toothpick and stuck it through my heart multiple times. I should not even care about his opinion, at all, though.

  “Yea!” Louis cheered. “We have to stay united against the enemy!” I heard them high-five like this was all some sort of choose your sides game, which I guess it was. I just hoped Liam never decided to double cross me for another player or I would surely lose.

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Liam argued weakly. I decided it was time for me to join them now and interrupt this before it got too far.

  “Maybe I just don’t know who I’m talking to, anymore.” Louis said, eyes narrowed as I exited the bathroom and went to join them.

  “Can’t you please share it?” I begged,” just a bite.”

  “No way!” The girl laughed, amused and pleased by the attention I was giving her. “This is for Harry!” She clutched the cupcake tighter to her chest.

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