Epiloge: Girl Meets Life

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2 Weeks Later

"Yearbook time!" Riley exclaimed as she and Farkle rolled a big box full of yearbooks up the hall.

Maya and Lucas got up from sitting in the bench and took out some of the yearbooks. They flipped through the pages, smiling.

"Is that you, Ranger Rick?" Maya asked Lucas. She pointed to one of the pictures on the baby photo page.

"Yep" he replied, looking at the picture of a little kid in a cowboy hat, playing with toy horses.

"Is that you, Ms. Hart?" He asked. He pointed to the photo of the little girl with a paintbrush in her hand, looking really happy.


"Guys," Riley said, "have you seen page 55?"

Farkle, Maya and Lucas all turned to page 55 like Riley said.

"Cutest couples are," Maya read out loud, "Riley and Farkle, Maya and Lucas."

Maya and Lucas hugged and quickly kissed. Riley and Farkle did the same. The bell rang and everyone went into Mr. Matthews' classroom.

"Hello students." He said, "I have some exciting news, after much consideration we have decided on the senior trip for this year!"

"What is it dad?" Riley asked.

"You guys are going on trips! From Italy, to Paris, a teacher will inform you which trips you will attend."

The students cheered, they were very excited to go on the trip.

"Riley, Maya, Lucas and Farkle please stay after class, I have to tell you guys something."

Soon class was over and everyone left the room, except for the 4 friends.

"You guys have some extra trips. First of all, your all going to Disney World, Riley and Farkle are also going to Miami, Maya and Lucas you are going to Texas."

The four smiled, and hugged each other. Lucas was excited for Maya to see Texas. He was thinking of things for them to do.

He was so distracted that he didn't realize Mr. Matthews dismissed them and it was only Maya and him in the room.

"Cowboy!" Maya said loudly.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about all that your going to do in Texas." Lucas smiled.

Maya and Lucas hugged each other and Maya whispered in his ear, "I love you, Lucas"

"You know my name?" He asked, jokingly.

"I've always known your name, I like you very much."

Omg! I can't believe it's over :(

I didn't update for a week because I just didn't want it to end :'(

I decided to name the squeal "Life"

I'm going to post a final author's note, and then the squeal will come out!

I want to ask you guys, what was your favorite moment and why?

I really liked writing the fire, and the kiss!

Till next time

~ Bella <3

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