Girl Meets Skipping

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Riley was mad and sad. She couldn't believe what she had done. But she also couldn't believe what Maya had done.

She couldn't face her or the class. The bell rang meaning the start of history. She decided to go to the library.

Riley found a quiet nook and sat down. She cried, but softly, so she didn't disturb the readers.

She didn't want to be mad a Maya, but she was. She was mad at Lucas, Maya and Farkle. They all knew.

As she was thinking someone came up to her.

"What's wrong?" They asked her.

"N-nothing" she said sitting up.

She looked at the person. It was a boy. He had brown hair and had a white shirt on with red shorts. He was a little handsome.

"Really, tell me." He said.

"My best friend likes my crush, and he like her." She sadly said.

"Did they date?"


"I think that they put themselves aside for you." He said.

Riley began to think.

"They tried to hide their feelings, for me. I can't believe I yelled at Maya." She thought to herself.

"Thank you" she said to the boy.

"What's your name?" He said.


"I'm Brandon." He said.

"Why haven't I seen you before?" She asked.

"I'm in advance classes. I have my free period now."

"Oh" Riley said.

The bell rang and they said bye. Riley walked into gym happier than she was before. And that brought smiles to her friends' faces.


Hey guys!

What do you think of Brandon?

Is he a good guy?

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~ Bella <3

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