change;is it good or bad?

Start from the beginning

I couldn't make him stop cah it would cause a scene so I texted him whilst biting my burger.
me: can u stop please
jay:y? don't u like it?
he slyly looked at me.
why's he doing thissss
me: listen not here. ill link you later
jay:sn then. but imma see if I ain't busy so we can carry on

I just read it. idk what this boy has in mind. yeah I would beat him but I can't. even if I could I wouldn't do it now. ill make him wait a long period of time. see if he's really as pretty as his face.

jays pov;

this girl got me smirking. promising to come mines later. does she know what I do?
I would never beat and delete her tho. she's different and I like it. she seems so trust worthy, a girl ill never get tired of... I like her a lot. I just rested my hand on her thigh. this girl got meat. I like that.

anyway it was live tho as we ate. everyone was bussing bare convo;
darns: Idk I'm looking for more wings
chanel: Darnel seriously. even a 9month pregnant women that's expecting twins eats less than you.
caps: lol ukno. and he still don't put on weight
me: truu darns mann stop eating out the ppl dem shop
we all laughed.

blackz: init Darnel man u fat cunt

chanel gave him some look

blackz: don't fucking look at me like that

no one saw it coming. this girl dashes her knife in his face. it was just by the corner of his eye. it had hot sauce at then end of it cah her chicken had it in there as she cut it.

raah almost blind the yute.

chanel: bitch now you don't have to see me looking at you. fucking fetty blackz.

me: ohh shit den

I laughed so did dem lots.

we he a few more convos. but tension was still there.

anyways we finally left. planning to get a cab.
blackz sat in the front. us 4 would have to try sit at the back.
darnz: chanel just sit in jays lap please and stop being stubborn
she looked at him sighed then sat in my lap. I swear that shit felt good as fuck.
she wasn't even relaxing. then the cab man drove a bit too fast over a hump she fell back on me. it was comfy so I wrapped my arms around her. she was now relaxed. I told her to make a snap with my phone. the only thing of her in it was her hair ukno. wow...
I looked bare buff tho . I'm a sexyness ik. we got to blackz yard. caps got out too as he lived in the same blockz. chanel was just looking around. she didn't even bother getting up. I think  darns clocked something between us but fuck him inih!

chanel's pov;

these blocks look like the ones in shakai's snap. I swear they are hmmm.
I liked this feeling of me and jay tbh. then he tapped the side of me now I had to get up. he payed the taxi man his bit then sucked on my neck. Darnel wasn't paying no attention. I held on to jays hand I turned around and we silently lipsed. he took his shit and left. now it's just me and my fat ass twin. I love him so much tho. but this day has been a bit much for my pregnant ass. wait did I just say that?

when we got home mum weren't in so we packed away our things. then me and darns decided to do online furniture shopping. his things would be coming from today till tomorrow. calmm. I'm just looking forward to Myas party. shit garn be tunupp. plus she's bait.

schools done and everyone is pinging me. tbh I wanted to ghost so I am.
I was laying in bed thinking about life. how my life is really fucked on the low. especially when my bump decides to bait it's self out. that's when im gonna bawl. my baby would be due July the 31st or August the 1st...but Idk if I want it. I don't want it to grow up with out a father. and I could tell that jay wouldn't want to chat to me if he knew I was pregss. I hope demlots don't tell nobody. I hope kyla and shakai don't say nothing either . I can't believe I broke up with him tho. was I high or something?  but I told everyone I ain't going back out with him so I just gotta brush him off and move on. hopefully to be jays.  I was thinking deep now. idk if me and shakai was still together would I tell everyone I'm pregnant or still try hide? fuckinghell now I'm stressing. but then my phone rang. I answered not looking at the caller ID

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