Your First Date [Rewritten]

Start from the beginning

"Excited?" Jeff chuckled as he saw you lightly bounce in place.

"Uh-huh!" you happily bobbed your head up and down as the raven-haired man chuckled upon seeing your excitement. After the movie was done and over with, you both spent the rest of the evening simply walking around town.

Laughing Jack:

You were dressed casually as Jack had ordered you to earlier today, making claims that he planned on taking you out on a date to his own person carnival. While you waited for the clown to arrive, you were sprawled out on your bed, nose buried into a book as the sun was already starting to set for the day. Only looking up when a cloud of black and white smoke suddenly formed, and your date appeared, dressed in his usual attire. "Ready to go?" he asked, laughing in excitement as he bounced on the heel of his feet. Nodding your head, you set your book off to the side and gently took hold of his clawed hand, not having time to react before you suddenly found yourself in a worn-out carnival.

The last time you had been to a carnival had been when you were a little girl and despite how worn out it appeared, you couldn't help but feel nostalgic as you looked all around you at all the familiar tents and bright, colorful rides. You were hesitant to go on any of the rides though when you noticed just how rusty some of them appeared, but L.J had quickly reassured you that everything worked perfectly fine and you would be safe. Making it clear that he wouldn't allow you to go falling from any of the rides as he leads you around. The rest of the evening was spent with the two of you riding as many rides as you could and stuffing your faces with lots of sweets.

Eyeless Jack:

E.J wasn't the biggest fan of going out, so it hadn't surprise you that his idea of a date was to stay inside your apartment and watch a movie—something that you both already did on a normal basis. Sure, you would have loved to go out for dinner and a movie or even a midnight stroll through the park, but you couldn't help but feel satisfied with staying home with Jack and watch a romantic/comedy—something that the eyeless man didn't appreciate as he wanted to watch a horror movie instead. You happily snuggled up into his side, lying beside him with a bowl of popcorn resting against you as you mindlessly munched on it, eyes locked on the screen in front of you. Normally, you weren't really that big on these types of movies, finding them to sometimes be cliché and boring. But, there were occasions when a good one would come out and catch your attention.

It was about halfway through the movie when you finally turned your head to the side and check up on Jack upon realizing that he hadn't moved or said a single word the entire time. His head was tilted back as his chest slowly raised and lower in a rhythmic movement that corresponded to his soft breathing. 'He fell asleep...' you rolled your eyes, not all that surprised that the man had passed out asleep on you. With a shake of your head, you didn't bother waking him up and instead continued to watch the rest of the movie.

Ticci Toby:

When Toby had asked you out on a date, he had been so sudden—and by that, you mean that he had asked you the second you got off work. It was a sweet gesture, but you felt too tired and just wanted to go home and sleep the night away since you had to take on extra work today, having to juggle both your normal workload and the workload of one of your fellow employee's who had called out sick. But, despite your limbs feeling like lead and your eyelids drooping, you still agreed to the date as not to hurt the young man's feelings. You would be lying if you said you didn't enjoy the date he had taken you on—it had just been a simple walk through the woods. The moon was your only source of light as you two walked down the slightly worn out path, the moonlight seemed to illuminate everything all around you and highlight just how beautiful nature was.

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