le water park

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I just got back from a water park

I went with my cousin

And we were weirdos and gave EVERYTHING code names

"Let's go over to the Bat Cave and do the Raven Slap on the Robin!"

"We're approaching the Owl Perch"

"Are we allowed to do the Backwards Alice on the Superman?"

"The Falling In Reverse and the Flying In Reverse are fun to do on the two big slides"

"The Spiderman is a little bit bigger than the Spiderwoman I think..."

Yep we're weirdos

Anyway, I got bored and brought up Zingbot and we started this conversation about Big Brother

Her: who's your favorite player this season?

Me: Johny Mac

Her: omg mine too... Liz used to be my favorite but then she started dating Austin, and he's like a big hairy caveman soz

Me: XD

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