"What did you say!?"

"I said I did." 

"Then what!?" She said, rubbing her hands together. "Okay, we kinda did it again, and it got a little intense, and-"

"Oh no, don't tell me you lost your virginity." She said. "No! Of course not!"

"Oh, so you guys made out.." She said. "She's a good kisser." He said. "Eww I don't wanna hear that!" she made a yuck noise. Suddenly, all the yelling stopped. "We can go out now." He said. They nod and got out of the room. There is a few things Autumn learned about Aubree.

She's a fangirl.

She's a curious person.

And she's-

"YOU GUYS HAVE MC DONALD'S!! WOOHOO! YESSSS!" She squealed, and ran over to the table.

And she's weird.

"That's from yesterday night." He said. "Well. Its still taste good." She said, biting on the nugget. "Why get McDonalds when you can get Chinese food though." She said. "I don't know. I like McDonalds I guess?"

"Eh whatever."

And suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "Coming!" Autumn shouted, and walked over to the door. He opened it. "Oh um.. Rydel." He said. "Hi Autumn. Is your mother here?" She asked. "Oh, she's-"

"Autumn, tell me who's at the fucking door, or i'll slap you." A voice yelled. "Right upstairs." He finished. Rydel nods. "AUTUMN! I SAID, WHO'S-"

"Its me Rydel!" She yelled. Laura came down the stairs. "Whats up." Laura said. "Well, um... I was wondering if....I uh... can you please come shopping for a a dress? My weddings is coming up and I-"





"I said NO."

"But its my wedding." Rydel tried to do 'Ross' famous puppy eyes'. "Please?" She pleaded. Laura rolled her eyes. "Ugh! Fine! Only because I want to." Laura said. Rydel chuckled. "Thank you! Lets get going."

"Who's gonna take care of Autumn and Aubree?" She asked. "Oh, they're coming too."

"What do you mean?"

"They're  buying stuff too now c'mon guys- Wait who's Aubree?"

"I'll explain in the car."


"Ross please come." Ellington pleaded. Ross pushed him away, almost making him fall. "NO." He said. "C'mon! Its your sister and I's wedding. Please....." Ellington said. Ross looked at him. "I said no Ratliff! Fuck off!" He growled. "Its a wedding! You have to be there!!!!" Ellington said. "Pretty please?" He said. Ross growled. "Fine." He grumbled. "Yes!" Ellington said. "But only because I want to." Ross said, saying the same thing Laura had said. "Alrighty then. Lets go."


"Remind me why I have to be here?"

"To buy a tux for your sisters wedding. Duh."

"Why can't we wear jeans for a change?" Ross whined. Riker face-palmed. "Just shut up already." He mumbled. Ross looked at him, raising an eye brow. "What did you say?" Ross said. "Uhh.."

"That's what I thought Mister I-think-I'm-the-boss-of-everyone." He said. Riker rolled his eyes. "We're here." They arrived to the mall. Just as the girls pulled over. They exit out the car. "Here's Autumn." They said. Autumn crossed his arms, and got out of the car, walking towards the boys. He suddenly sees his father. "Dad! I missed you!" He said. Ross picked him up, hugging him tightly. "I did too." He said, almost smiling, but, he didn't. Autumn rides on Ross' shoulders. "Well, lets get to it. The wedding is in two days." He said. They already had bachelor parties, so now its almost time for the big thing.


"I don't  understand why Linger got to be the guardian of cool people." The angel sighed. "What do you mean?" The other one said. "I mean that she gets to go to the wedding, and we don't!"

"Well she is the guardian of the person going to the wedding. She doesn't actually have to be there." she said. "Buts its just the way she is." They said at the same time, sighing. "I heard she's gonna wear that white dress that Alana gave her. "Its so plain though."

"Linger IS plain." She said. "Whatever." She said. 



Sorry, I kinda rushed it a bit.

So I see you guys didn't answer my question.......

I'm disappointed in you *smh*

But anyways,


Linger: If you the wedding will be a disaster

Alana: If you think Rydel's water is gonna break during the wedding (What? you forgot she was pregnant?)

Magrita: If you think someone stops the wedding (oh shit)

Essie: If you think something happens to Ross during the wedding (Wow.)

Or just simply share your thoughts! <3 <3 <3

I'm still disappointed in you... *smh*

And because you didn't answer the question.. I will be updating only on Sundays. :3

I'm evil aren't I. I guess I should have told you what the consequences are... OOPSIEEEEEEEEEEEEE 

I apologize if your mad, but it takes long for me to update and I have to find the time for it, since I have a shit ton to do...... Plus, I update almost everyday single day...so,You better answer the question now if you want your privileges back....

Cya next Sunday!



P.S: i hope y'all know that Ross' nudes almost leaked on the internet.. lmao

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