Chapter 7

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Author Note:

I hope you all are really enjoying this story, i loved writing it, something about it makes me gush even when i was writing it, i finally put a face to the characters so when you read it you can put a face to it...

Continue To enjoy, i enjoy reading your comments and such, keep it up and i might have a surprise.

love you ALL!!

Mason's POV-                                        

I placed my head against the door and smiled at my actions in never the one to take lead like that, but that boy... Lord that boy excuse me that man is a special work of art. I went and hit the switch to turn the light on and I stopped dead in my tracks it was my mother sitting there with her arms folded "Mason Lewis Scott, you need to learn how to return your mothers calls." Mom said.

I rolled my eyes "mom what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I've come to take you home." Mom said. I laughed....

"Wait you can't just bust in my dorm, and just take me home." I said.

"No need i removed you from the roster and all your classes, we are moving you back home" mom said.

I raised my eyebrow....

"Who is we?" I asked.

The door opened and there was Quinton standing there at the door ....

"Me babe, I need you to come back home you don't need no education you can just stay home and just be my husband." Quinton said.

I rubbed my eyes

"Quinton we have been done for almost two years now, let me go." I said.

"See I'm not gonna do that your going to come back with me and do as I say." Quinton said.

He yanked my arm and pulled me close to him. I tried to pull away from him and of course he is stronger than me....

"I am not doing this." I said.

Quinton smiled and shrugged his shoulders

"oh but you are... Sorry I have to do this." Quinton said.

He grabbed my cheeks and rubbed around my neck he pulled me in for what I thought was a kiss but BAM!.. Quinton headbutted me and I was out..............

Chris was bopping his head as he was listening to his music with his headphones it was Britney Spears 'Oops... I Did It Again' and he was in full Britney mood hitting the dance moves and all.... Until he saw Mason being carried by a man and his mother walking behind him, he covered his mouth..... They exited the building and put Mason in the building the guy looked around and got in the driver seat of his BMW and drove off......

"What the hell?" Chris said.......

When I finally woke up I was in the bed, and next to me was Quinton I jumped up...

"How did I get here?" I asked.

"Hmmm... Your up from your nap babe." Quinton said.

"I am not your babe." I yelled.

Quinton laughed out loud....

"Listen your back where you belong and that is how it's going to stay... UNDERSTAND" Quinton yelled. I went and ran for the door and next thing i knew Quinton slammed me against the wall and had a tight grip on my neck....


Tears instantly started to fall.

"Ok, I promise not to be difficult." I said. He smiled and wiped my tears and kissed me....

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