Chapter 10

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Mason had been hard at work making sure that this surprise graduation get together would be success, Sage & of course Chris were in on it. Mason even got West's fathers phone number and him and his wife will be attending, a bunch of people and others will be around........

"Babe are you ready?" West yelled.

Running down te stairs Mason had on shorts that hugged his plumped cheeks and white polo shirt that hugged his skinny frame, and a nice shape up,West eyed his sexy boyfriend as he walked past and West went and squeezed Mason's butt cheek

"ouch, babe stop" Mason wined.

Mason stopped and looked at his sharp looking boyfriend

"what?" West asked.

"You look amazing in that suit, something other than Levi's chucks and a white t-shirt." 'Mason said.

"You know me too well." West said....

They left and moments later pulled into a packed campus Mason dropped West off and went to park he met up with Chris & Sage....

"Hey guys" Mason said.

"You looked tired." Sage said.

"No I'm good just a lot to do in such a short time." Mason said.

"Well what's the game plan?" Chris asked.

"Well luckily West's last name begins with a B, so we can go in and I'll watch him graduate and then I'm rushing home to decorate and get things together, Chris you can come with me and then when we are done I am going to rush back and hopefully finish up Sage will be the time keeper, and when we are done I'm taking some photos of West which will also kill time and by that time everyone should be at the apartment." Mason said.

Sage smiled and tugged on Masons cheek

"your such an amazing boyfriend to my bestfriend." Sage said.

"Well he is amazing to me so this is the least I could do, you know your bestfriend it was hard cooking last night without him browsing around and being nosey." Mason said.

They laughed and walked in the stadium...... West was called and got his diploma and Mason and Chris rushed back the apartment.......

"Sage  is suppose to let me know when the they were winding down on the a alphabet and even though there were 1200 graduates they seemed to be moving quickly. . " Mason said.

so we got the food warmed up the decorations up and such...

" Mason leave your going to have an anxiety attack, relax and when Sage gets here we will finish up." Chris said.

Mason smiled it's funny how his former roommate who had an one night stand with his now boyfriend is now a loyal friend to them both, life works out that..........

Sage smiled at me running towards her and sitting they just tossed their caps in the air....

"Perfect timing" Mason said.

"And you take some wonderful shots and I'll see you guys back at the apartment." Sage said.

When Mason fought through the crowd he saw West standing there waiting for him and he basically jumped into his arms

"I am so proud of you." Mason said.

West and Mason eyed each other and kissed....

*Clears Throat*

both Mason and West turned around to a older man on a cane with a beautiful blonde on his arm

"hey dad." West said.

"My boy... Congrats son I am so proud of you." Mr. Bennett said.

He pulled his son in for a hug.

"Maggie." West said.

"Congrats West." Maggie said.

"excuse me but dad and Maggie this is my boyfriend Mason Scott." West said.

Mr. Bennett smiled

"very nice to finally meet you son, welcome to the family." Mr. Bennett said.

He hugged me as well "

yes very nice to meet you Mason." Maggie said.

Even though Mason spoke with Mr. Bennett....

"Well son, you did it and I'm proud, we will set a meeting up when I'm back on this end of California, we have business to focus on." Mr. Bennett said.

They started walking away, then Mr. Bennett stopped

" and I know your mother is damn, proud of you boy." Mr. Bennett said.

Causing West to smile.......

For about the next 45 minutes we took pictures and even had a random take a cute picture of us we were standing in the sunlight and holding hands and I was looking up at him and he was looking down on me.......

We finally arrived back home...

" where is the crew , we need drinks or something." West said.

He unlocked the door and hit the light and

"SUPRISE!!!!!"........ West turned back at me and smiled and he scooped me up and put me over his shoulder

"this is all for me?" West asked. "Ummmmm yes and your our lucky graduate." Sage said.

West finally put Mason down he grabbed his hand and walked around the crowd... He then glanced at me "you did all this for me?" West asked. Mason pulled West out on the balcony....

"I wanted to do this because for the first time in my life, again I believe in love, I believe in what me and you have already and can build for the future, you saved my life.. You Chris and Sage hold my heart but mostly you, I don't think I ever want to spend time with no one else but you Bad Boy Bennett." Mason said.

West laughed

"your the reason this bad boy has a heart again, I don't know if it's too soon but I'm gonna say it... I think I love you.... Mason Scott." West said.

Mason had his arms wrapped around West's neck

"Funny thing... I loved everything about from the moment I met you a West Bennett." Mason said.

And they shared a passionate kiss....

"Let's go enjoy the party." Mason said.

"Son I have  here your official offer letter, I am personally going to groom you as head of the family business and speaking of family.... Your going to be a big brother." Mr. Bennett.

"WhAt?" Mason asked.

  "Whet!" Chris said.

"What the hell!" Sage said.

Everyone looked at West.....

"That's right boy, your dad still got it." Mr. Bennett said.                    


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