Part 11

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"Dakota kidnapped Mia...holy shit.", I had to process that for a minute.

"Wait who's Dakota babe?", Grayson asked.

"Her fucking psycho ex-boyfriend.", I said absentmindedly.

-Mia's POV-

I spat out blood as I lay on the cold concrete floor. Dakota kicked and punched me repeatedly, stopping only because his knuckles were bloody. I slowly backed myself up into one of the four walls imprisoning me and held my legs up to my chest, seeming to dull the pain in my stomach temporarily. My head was pounding and there was a strong taste of iron in my mouth from the blood.

I sat there for what seemed like hours, locked in a dark, wet concrete room with only one light fixture hanging from the ceiling. The sound of water dripping from the roof echoed through the room.

The metal vault door swung open.

"Get up.", an older teenager said.

I just stared at him, really not wanting to get up because my entire body ached.

"I said 'Get up'.", he said, grabbing my arm tightly and dragging me to my feet. I stood up and he started to tie my hands behind my back. I swung my leg back, hitting him in the balls and he immediately fell to the floor. He left the vault door open so I ran and slammed it behind me.

I slowly crept up the steps, trying not to make a lot of noise. Then I heard voices.

Turn back Mia. If they catch you, they'll kill you.

I turned around and heard the guy pounding on the door.

It's too late to go back now.

Slowly looking around the corner, I saw 5 guys, obviously larger and a bit older than me, passing a blunt around, high as a kite.

"Dude we should totally like...fuck her and stuff dude...", on guy smirked, dozing off.

They all laughed and cheered then chugged down some beer.

The front door was across the hall. No one was guarding it so I quickly tip-toed to the other side of the hall.

Ok Mia now run.

I slowly and quietly clicked open the lock, turned the handle, silently opened the door and ran.

My clothes were tattered, I had no shoes, my face was bloody and my body was covered with bruises.

I heard yelling and footsteps far behind me.

C'mon Mia. Just run. Don't look back.

They can closer so I ran faster. I'd run for what felt like miles and turned every corner, trying to lose them. Soon I was alone and they had stopped following me.

Turning around, I sighed in relief. I spun around to walk forward and bumped into a large figure. Looking up, I realized it was one of Dakota's guard friends.

"Please no..." I begged quietly but before I could turn and run, I felt a sharp pain in my thigh and everything returned back to black.


I woke up in the same concrete basement. Only, my hands were tied even tighter behind my back and my feet were bound as well.

"You're gonna regret you ever tried to run Mia.", Dakota snickered and stepped aside to reveal the guard I had kicked.

His fist instantly met my face. Hard.

I felt my vision fading and my senses dulling. He hit me once more and my head hit the concrete floor. Everything faded away slowly.

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