Part 4

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It felt...amazing. His lips were perfectly in sync with mine, fireworks exploding in my stomach with every second his lips were on mine.

I pulled away slowly then looked into his eyes. Light blue marbles that I got lost in.

No stop.

I backed away then cleared my throat.

You can't let him do that. Or anyone do that.

"What's wrong.", he smirked.

"I-I just...Uh... I need to leave.", I said walking past him.

"Where are you going.", he grabbed my hand.

"Please let go of me.", I said quietly.

He let go and I started to walk away.

Flashes of memories with Dakota came flooding in. How he'd kiss me one minute then hit me the next... How we'd be happy one second then he'd throw me against a wall like a rag doll the next.

"You think anyone's ever gonna treat you better? Ha. No you're trash, Mia."

Every time he'd call me a name, every time he hit me or kicked me, it hurt so much.

Every guy is like that. Dakota wasnt the only one. He was just the worst.

A warm tear rolled down my cheek. I heard a motorcycle pull up next to me. It was Hayes. I wiped my tear away.

"You're not walking. Get on.", he handed me a helmet. I took it and he rode to my house.

"Thanks.", I said quietly.

I took off the helmet and set it on the seat of the bike.

He just nodded then left.

I walked into my house and Gizell was sitting on my bed, waiting for me.

"Where were you?",she asked, her arms crossed.

"No where.", I tried to avoid eye contact with her.

"How was Hayes?", she asked, raising her eyebrow.

My cheeks turned bright red and I didn't answer.


"What?! No. Nonono. No. He kissed me.", I protested.

"Mia. Don't get too close to him.",she stated then went to the kitchen and grabbed some water.

Why does everyone say that? I mean...he's kind of an asshole but he's not that bad.

"Why?", I followed her.

She took a sip of water,"Just don't."

"No tell me why.", I said, a little annoyed. No one told me a legit answer of why I should stay away from him.

"He's not safe to be around.", she shrugged.

"Because....?", I asked, wanting a more solid answer.

"Because he's unpredictable."

A/N: Hey babes, really short chapter I know. I'm sorry but I've just been really distracted lately. Thanks for being patient loves xx-Gizell

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