Part 10

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"What did you just say?", Hayes asked, confused with a hint of anger in his voice.

"Nevermind...", I said quietly, starting to walk away. I felt his hand grab my hand. The next thing I knew, our lips were connected.

My heart felt like it skipped a beat. The world froze and it felt like it was only Hayes and I. It felt like there were fireworks exploding in my stomach.

He pulled away from my lips and without a word, he walked back to the rest of the boys.

I touched my lips, which were still tingling from the kiss. I felt a smile tugging at the corners at my mouth.

Walking back to the warehouse, I felt a hand grab me, followed by three more. There was a sharp pain in the side of my thigh. I screamed but before I knew it, everything went black.


My eyes squinted at a bright light above me. My head was pounding and my vision was blurred. I tried moving my hands but they were bound behind my back.

My eyesight slowly returned to normal as a opened and closed them. I heard the clunking of shoes come closer to my direction.

"Hey beautiful. You're awake. I'm sorry for drugging you and kidnapping you.", Dakota chuckled, " I'm not."

I tried to say something but realized my mouth was gagged. All that came out of my mouth were muffled screams.

"Aww baby having trouble speaking?", he said, removing the cloth from my mouth.

"Let me fucking go.", I spat at Dakota. A sinister smile crept across his face.

"But don't you miss me, Mia? I know I've miss you.", he bent down closer, making eye contact with the devil.

"Fuck. You.", I sneered, causing him to step back.

"Ooo fiesty are we now? I'll fix that.",he chuckled. I felt a hard impact hit the side of my face, followed by a loud smack. My cheek instantly started to burn. I've felt this sensation before...when Dakota first slapped me. I couldn't help but let a tear escape my eyes.

"Now you're gonna be a good girl for me or we're gonna have some problems, got it babe?", he ran his finger along the side of my cheek. I moved away and his expression turned...evil. His hand made contact with my cheek again, my eyes overflowing with tears.

The door suddenly opened and a few young men came running through.

"Hayes was not at the warehouse sir. It was empty when we busted open the door.", the young man stood up straight like a soldier reporting to his officer in the army.

"Why do you want Hayes.", I interuppted the mumbling between the two. They both shot their gaze at me.

"You wouldn't happen to know where he'd be, would you Mia?", he said, slowly walking up to me. I tensed up at his touch and he tightened his grip around my shoulders.

"N-No.",I winced as his fingers dug into my skin.

"Aw C'mon Mia, you have to know where your little boyfriend is.", he whispered into my ear.

"I-I don't know where he is.", I said, tears started to rush down my cheeks.

-Gizell's POV-

Mia ran outside after Hayes said something. I stood up and followed them but stopped at the door when I saw them kissing.

"Well damn...", I giggled to myself. I saw Hayes coming back in so I ran back to Grayson.

"UH...GUYS WE HAVE TO GO. LIKE. NOW.", Ethan yelled. Hayes ran over to him and looked at his computer.

"Shit shit shit shit shit.", he ran his fingers through his hair. The rest of the boys had already started to throw duffle bags into their cars. Nash shut th warehouse door and barricaded it so we could have more time to pack. But what were we running from?

Everyone got into the cars and started the engines.

I heard a scream.

No. No no no.

"MIA!!!", I screamed, getting out of the car. I ran to the door and tried to move the furniture that was blocking the entrance. I felt arns holding me back.

"NO!! MIA'S OUT THERE WE HAVE TO GET HER!!!!", I yelled at ththe top of my lungs.

"Baby we can't I'm sorry.", Grayson wrapped his body around me. I collapsed to the floor and cried into Grayson's chest.

"We're gonna find her babe but we have to go right now.", he said calmly. I nodded my head and got up.

There was a huge knock at the door. It wasn't a knock. It was like someone was ramming the door open. Gray and I ran back to the car and skidded off through the back, following the others.

One of Gray's hands were on my thought, the other on the steering wheel.

"Who was that.", I said quietly, still trying to comprehend what was going on.

My best friend just got kidnapped and we didn't even try to save her.

A tear fell onto my cheek.

"Hey hey hey baby I don't know but I promise you we'll find her. Don't cry.", he wiped a tear away with his thumb.

Grayson's phone went off.

"Ethan just texted me he knows who it is...",he paused and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Who's Dakota?"

A/N: Hey loves sorry for this confusing ass chapter....I haven't been updating a lot but I'll try to do more. Thanks for reading and commenting and voting and shiz.... Anyway y'all are gorgeous xx-Gizell

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