Part 9

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The black van sped up but Grayson quickly lost them as we turned into an alleyway. The rest of the ride was silent until Grayson got a phone call.


"Okay.",and he hung up.

He drove us to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town and parked the car inside.

Hayes was talking to a group of boys and sitting on a couch was Ethan was on his laptop. The group of guys turned around and just stared at us.

"Hey.", Hayes awkwardly said, walking up to me.

"Hey", I said quietly.

"Um so this is Jack", he pointed to a brown-haired boy with dimples then he pointed to a blonde boy,"that's Jack", then he pointed to a boy who had dark brown hair but obviously dyed it blonde,"and that's Jack". I looked at them and smiled. The naturally blonde Jack winked at me. I awkwardly giggled then looked at Hayes who was clenching his jaw.

"So Jack, Jack, and", I laughed.

"Oh yeah that might be confusing...Jack Dail, Jack Johnson, and Jack Gilinsky.", Hayes sounded annoyed when he introduced Jack Johnson.

A few more guys walked in.

"Hey I'm Nash.", a guy that looked like Hayes introduced himself. He had the same blue eyes and brown hair.

"Hi.", I smiled.

The other boys introduced themselves. So Jack Dail, Jack Johnson, Jack Gilinsky, Aaron Carpenter, Nash Grier, Cameron Dallas, and Jake Paul.

I sat on the couch Ethan was sitting on and Jack Johnson sat next to me. He put his arm around my shoulder.

"Hey baby. I didn't catch your name.", he smirked.

I saw Hayes looking at us.

"Um...because I didn't throw it out.", I answered back, scooting away.

"Oh you have a thing with Hayes. I get it.", he laughed then put his hands up to show he was backing up.

"What? No. I-I don't like him.",I stumbled over my words and my face felt hot.

"Ok.", he laughed and got up then stopped as he took a step to walk away,"He has a thing for you too.", then he winked and walked away.

I felt my face burning up and a smile tugging at my lips. I looked at him and he gave me a small smile.

I walked over to Gizell and Grayson. They were sitting in the back of a truck, Gizell leaning on him and his arm wrapped around her.

"So you guys are back together?", I smiled.

"Um...",gizell hesitated.

My smile faded. She sat up.

"I-I don't think it's a good idea at the moment...", she said looking down. Grayson was quiet.

"Mia.", I heard Hayes call me over.

"I'll be right back.", I told Gizell then walked towards Hayes.

"Yeah?", I asked.

"How are you?", he smiled.

His smile made me smile,"Considering the situation, I'm okay."

He gave me an "Oh yeah..." nod. There was an awkward silence for a few moments.

"What is the situation anyway?", I asked, noticing he tensed up at the question.

He hesitated,"That's something I can't tell you.", then rubbed the back of his head.

"So you can't tell me why I almost got my head blown off today by someone who obviously wanted you?", I crossed my arms.

"It's complicated.", he instantly snapped back, his tone getting harsher.

"Why am I involved then?", I said, also raising my voice.

"I don't know. Why are you still around?", he shrugged, obviously annoyed.

"Why did you bring me here then?!",I yelled, causing everyone to look in our direction.

He scoffed and shook his head," I should have let him kill y-",he stopped.

I looked at him and my eyes shot open in disbelief. My heart felt like it was ripped out of my chest.

Why did I care about Hayes?

Tears threatened to spill.

"Mia...I-",his eyes wide open like he, hself didn't believe what he just said. Hayes took a step closer as a tear fell down my cheek. He instantly moved his hand up to wipe it away but I swatted it away.

"Fuck you.", my voice broke as I turned around and quickly stormed out of the warehouse, tears flowing down my face endlessly.

"MIA WAIT!", he yelled chasing after me. He caught up and grabbed me arm but I yanked it away.

"I didn't mean it...", he said quietly.

"You wanna know why I'm still around Hayes?", I wiped the remaining tears away.

"I'm still around because there's this stupid small part of me that is slowly falling for you.", the words flowed out of me and I couldn't stop myself. It actually felt like a million pounds were lifted off of me.

It felt...right.

Those words together have been debated against in my mind since the day I first saw him but today....saying it out loud...made me realize I was falling.

A/N: Hey loves I'm back from my trip? How are ya? Lookin gorgeous as always. But yeah vote and comment it helps a lot xx-Gizell

Philophobia [Hayes Grier]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora