Let's Not Talk

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I didn't want to. I mean, I did. Who wouldn't want to? But I thought I would be considered a stalker and annoying since he only met me to make up for breaking my lightstick and my sign. I shouldn't...But I want to so bad! I grroaned and rolled around on my bed. Should I? No. But...Ugh! Before I knew it my fingers were typing a message just for J-Hope. Fine, I won't send i- I sent it! OH GOD! OH NO! I'm so stupid! Why did I send that!? Aish, idiot! It was a simple 'hey' but I still felt dumb! Ugh! Why am I so dumb!?

What's up? - J-Hope

Hr replied!? Oh my God what do I do!? I can't ignore it! I have to reply! Wait...Doyoung, chill! You need to chill!

Nothing. I was bored...you?

Aish! I'm dumb! I can't believe I'm dragging him into talking to me again! He would've ignored me and it would've been fangirl-idol relations again. I'm fine with that. I mean so many girls would die to just have bumped into him but we met up and we talk and ah! My life is weird! My feelings are weird! Everything is just weird.

I'm laying in bed...Thinking... - J-Hope

Thinking. Is that bad? Is that good? Is it too much to ask what he is thinking about? Maybe...Should I?

Is it too much to ask what you're thinking about?

I waited like ten minutes for a reply. Maybe it was. He could just tell me it was. I began typing that when my Kakao went off with a message from him.

No. I just don't wanna hurt your feelings - J-Hope

Hurt my feelings?

It's okay

What did he mean? Was it bad? Wait...does that mean he was thinking about me?

Suga hyung yelled at me...It was because I met you. We're really mad at each other and I don't know what to do... - J-Hope

Oh no! I made them fight! I know Suga's a moody guy but I made him and J-Hope argue! Idiot! Stupid! Dumb! Idiot! You dummy! Stupid! Dumb! Idi- bapo!

I'm sorry...It's not your fault, Doyoung-ssi... - J-Hope

Oh no! There are a lot of 'dot dot dot' which means he is sad, guilty or upset! No! No, no, no!

Let's not talk

I can't believe I just told my bias to not talk to me! Oh my God! Am I crazy!? I'm stupid! I'm so wrong but maybe I'm right! I don't even know!

Huh? Not talk? Why? - J-Hope

I took a deep breath. Doesn't he know why? We shouldn't if it makes him fight with the others.

Just cause...I don't want you fighting with the members...I also know how dumb it is to talk to a crazy fangirl. I'm sorry for wasting your time, J-Hope.

His response was quick.

No. It's fine! I'll be dumb. It's okay, really. Suga's always moody and hates bending the rules even a tad bit. We can talk, it's fine. We'll make up! (Emoticon)

I sighed. Was it really? No. It's just best not to talk and then I wouldn't have to explain anything to anyone and we can pretend it never happened. Never.

No. I'm sorry. Please, Hoseok...Let's stop.


Hoseok...She said Hoseok...I'm J-Hope to her. I am...I'm...J-Hope...Right? To her I am...Aren't I? I should be...Ugh! I don't know! Why does she want to stop talking!? I shouldn't be so upset but I am! I actually liked her somewhat, like a crush. She is pretty and her looks are close to my ideal type! She's cute and funny and nice! She's my style. I wanted to get closer with her and I thought maybe it would be easier since she was my fan...Maybe it's not. She does want to stop talking...Fine. We'll stop talking. That's her loss. Not mine.

Okay...Goodbye, Doyoung

Her reply took almost twenty minutes. I assumed she was thinking if she should reply or not.

Bye - Lightstick

There. No more Doyoung. Ever.


The first two days without talking to J-Hope were full of regret. Who wouldn't regret telling their ultimate bias to stop talking to them even after they ask you not to? I wanted to say hi but I knew he would get in trouble. The three days after that were full of acceptance. I was okay with not talking to him. And now, two weeks after stopping talking to him, I'm fine. I pretended as if it never happened. I only knew J-Hope from BTS as my bias. I never met him.

I didn't ever have to tell a thing to Jiyoung and I wasn't planning on it. I didn't want to hear her die and fangirl and tell me to talk to him. I just didn't want to deal with it. I went shopping and bought shorts, a yellow shirt with blue stripes, and new white keds. I didn't have a reason to buy an outfit, I just figured I would since I wanted new clothes and didn't have enough to go on a spree.

"Yah!" Jiyoung busted into my room smiling widely.

"Knock next time, loser," I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Whatever," she rolled her eyes back and grinned. "I have a gift! Well, my mom does. She bought it but I have it!" She squeaked. I sighed.

"If it isn't another BTS concert or performance, I don't care," I joked. I loved Jiyoung's gifts, they were always the best and her mom's were better.

"Well," she began in a high pitched voice.

"No," I almost whispered in disbelief.

"Close," she smirked and showed them, "it's a fanmeet!" She squealed. I jumped up and squealed with her. We jumped up and down and fangirled. I couldn't wait!

"When!?" I asked excitedly.

"A week!" She hopped onto my bed and giggled. "My sweet boy Kookie!" She squealed loudly. My parents thought we were nuts. I sat next to her and we began talking about what we would do and wear and say at the fanmeet. A fansign meant you actually had time to say stuff to them. "I might confess," she hummed.

"Whatever. He must get it a lot! Be original! We'll see them more because that's where our money goes so flirt," I winked and she slapped my arm. She rolled around and fangirled. I wasn't thinking about seeing J-Hope or what I'd say yet. I didn't want to. What if it was awkward?

"How do I be original? I'll think about it later, we still have a week. I'm tired, let's sleep," Jiyoung said and stretched. We both fell asleep on my bed.


It was the day of the fanmeet. I put on the outfit I bought the day Jiyoung told me about the fanmeet. I did simple but girly makeup and met Jiyoung at her house. She was wearing a white dress made of cloth that clung to her body and said 'PARIS, TOKYO, LONDON, NEW YORK' on it that went up to her thighs with a flannel and black flats. "Are you always going to wear a flannel?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Shut up. He's actually seeing me this time," Jiyoung snapped. I laughed.

"Anyways, you ready?" I asked.

"As ready as Jimin's love for my husband!"


Good? I like this chapter~ and have plans for the next so be patient! ~J

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