Chapter 28

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I sat the cave sobbing quietly. I didn't ever want to go back. I was in so much shock that I didn't even know which way was up. Everything was such a confusing mess...

My cries eventually subsided but, the pain didn't. I felt so betrayed... My Aunt knew the whole time... and didn't tell me anything! She lied to me. She never loved me at all...

I felt the lump in my throat returning as I thought about everything and tugged on my hair painfully to distract myself. I didn't want to think about it. It would just make me cry again.

I rested my head back and tried to sleep. It didn't work. I growled in frustration and ran a hand through my hair. I wanted to just stop everything. Stop the pain and the suffering. I thought I'd be able to finally be happy but, now look at me. I'm just a miserable person who is obviously only going to get hurt no matter what he does...

I should just be done with it. Get it over with before I end up finally hurting someone else.

Kyle's face flashed through my head and I looked down. What would he think of me? Would he call me a coward? Obviously, I'm not good enough to be with him. He deserves someone better than me.

As I sat there I relived every moment we'd spent together. I saw all that he had done for me and I felt like an ass for thinking he'd ever think I was a coward. He wasn't that kind of person. I wasn't worthy of someone like him.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek and I wiped it away. I called Chase pathetic but, in reality... I was the pathetic one. I was the one always running away.

The next decision I made was quick and simple. I crawled out of the cave and headed straight for my destination. Soon I found myself at The Drunken Bastard. I took a deep breath and walked in, going for the stairs. I had thought I recognized the building and realized it was the apartment building Bert had lived in for a time. He'd probably still be living in the same room. I saw Bert sitting with a bunch of ladies near the far left wall and ducked to make sure I wasn't seen.

When I reached the top floor I headed straight for room 423. I didn't ever bother knocking before I pushed the door open. To my relief, the door was unlocked and the room was empty. I wasted no time in going for his dresser.

Pushing aside some shirts I gently rested my hands on a small, sliver revolver. Bert used to shoot every weekend to keep it in good shape. As I held it in my hands I wondered if it was still loaded...


(Bert's POV)

I laughed and kissed this girl's cheek as she giggled. "Oh, you're such a flirt! The others might get jealous."

I leaned into her ear and whispered, "Let them be jealous. They're right to be."

She blushed and looked away. "You're so sweet..." She sighed.

I shrugged and ran a hair through her hair. "I guess. So, to make me even more I'm gonna go get you a drink. On the house."

She grinned. "That'd be nice."

She got off my lap so I could get up and I walked over to the bar. "Two beers, please." I said.

The guy nodded. "Sure thing, boss." As he was getting the drinks I looked around the bar. Most of the girls were talking to some other guys and a few men were playing pool, some others betting on who'd win. Basically, a regular night at the club.

I was handed the beers and was walking back to the girls when I spotted a blue head bobbing between people. I frowned and leaned back so I could see who it was.

My eyebrows shot up when I saw Kayson heading for the exit. I didn't think I'd ever see him in this place again. In fact, on closer inspection, he looked a little troubled.

I noticed he was walking away from the stairs and waited for him to leave before I set the beers on a table and ran up the stairs quickly. I looked around. I didn't see anyone else so I started to head back down.

Then I stopped and shook my head. He'd have to have a purpose for coming up here. Then I glanced at my door. I narrowed my eyes and opened the door. I saw nothing amiss except one of my draws was open.

I frowned and walked over. I shifted things around and was about to close it when I felt something strange. Or rather, didn't feel something strange. I shoved aside my things and stared at the empty space where my gun was supposed to be.

I slammed the drawer closed. "Shit!" I said as I ran back downstairs and through the club. I hurried outside and looked all around, running to the entrance of the alley and looking down both streets. Kayson was nowhere in sight and I ran my hands through my hair. "Damn it!"

This wasn't good. Kayson had no reason to steal my gun. The only thing I could think of was if something happened. I pulled out my phone and dialed that guy, Kyle.

There were a few rings before a deep voice answered. "Sorry, I'm not into advertisements. Call someone else-"

"Is this Kyle?" I asked, cutting him off.

"Yeah. Who is this?" He sounded confused.

"It's Bert. Kayson's ex. Do you know where he is?" I asked.

He paused. "Why are you calling me? How did you even get my number?"

"That doesn't matter right now. Do you know where Kayson is right now? I have a bad feeling." I said.

"He left this morning and I haven't heard from him since. What's up? Did something happen?"

"Not sure. I saw him leaving the club and when I went to see what was up he was already gone." I paused. "I also think he might have taken my revolver."

"What?! Why? Are you sure he took it?" He sounded concered and I could hear him start pacing.

"I don't know for sure but, after he left I checked my room and it was gone. Did something happen? Did you guys fight?"

"No. He left in a good mood this morning. I don't know what could've happened to make him take something like that..."

I felt nervous for some reason and shifted from foot to foot. "I tried to catch up to him but, he was already gone. I don't know where he went and I'm worried." I bit my lip. "You know what? I'm going to look for him. I'll call you if I find anything."


Hey everyone! So, I just went to the movies and me and my friend wanted to see a movie called The Gift. We bought the tickets but, when we went to go into the theater this lady was all like, "Oh, you need an adult with you." So we called my friend's mom and she came in and showed her ID to the lady. She went to walk away and the lady was like, "You have to sit in the theater with them. They're too young to be here alone." Me and my friend wanted to slap the shiz out if her since I'm almost sixteen and she's fourteen. It was dumb. We had permission to see it from our parents yet we still couldn't go in? I was ready to b!tch slap a lady... and then she was all snobby about it when my friend's mom protested. What's happening to the world?! For years you're allowed to go see any movie you wanted without parents and then, all of a sudden, it's against the law?! Idiots run the government! Anyways, that was today's stupidity lesson and it was a fricking annoying one at that. If you agree that this is a dumb rule then comment. Cuz I do too! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! AS ALWAYS VOTE, COMMENT, FOLLOW AND STAY AWESOME!


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