Chapter 21

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He dragged me down some steps and into a what appeared to be a night club. It was empty, the lights dimmed. I frowned as I looked around. "Where are we?"

"My club. The Drunken Bastard. What do you think of her?" Bert asked as he looked around and smiled.

I frowned. "When did you get this?"

"Well, I saved up and when I turned twenty-three last year I bought her. She's pretty, isn't she? Popular too. I get packed every night." He grinned.

I pulled away as I looked around. "She's a pretty nice place." I shrugged. "But, I'm not interested if that's what you're wondering."

He frowned. "Don't you want a drink? I've got plenty of different kinds. Plus, since I like you it'll be on the house."

"Sorry. I'm too young anyways. Maybe another time." I headed for the exit but, Bert blocked my path. He chuckled and shook his head. "But, I still have lots to show you."

Before I knew what was happening, he had shoved me in a room and locked the door. I scrambled to my feet. "This isn't funny. I don't have time for this." I growled. "Let me out."

His laughter could be heard on the other side of the door. "Not a chance, little Kay. The party is for you and I can't have the guest of honor running off. Stay put and when my friends get here you can come out. If you want to that is."

I banged on the door and jiggled the nobb. Nothing. I looked around the room but, all I saw was a bed and a small desk. I looked through the nightstand and only found a bunch of condoms and lube. Not something I'd have wanted to see but, this was a night club.

There were no windows either and after frantically searching for something pry open the door I plopped down on the bed and put my head in my hands. What was I going to do?

Only a single thought passed through my mind.

Kyle is waiting for me... I let him down...


(Kyle's POV)

I hummed as me and Kayla walked down the street towards Kayson's house. It was quiet out but, peaceful. I was so excited to get to take Kayson on a date. I was actually surprised he had agreed.

I smiled to myself. This was going to be amazing if I managed to win him over.

"What's with you? You've been smiling like an idiot since you picked me up." Kayla said. I glanced down at my sister. "No reason. I'm just happy."

"About what?"


She stared at me and then grinned. "Are you going to ask him out?!"

I chuckled. "Already did. How'd you know anyways?" I asked, suddenly curious why she knew.

She shrugged. "I heard you talking to yourself the other night. You said you had to ask even if he rejected you. Or something like that. So, did he say yes?"

"Sort of. He said he'd go on a date with me to let me try and prove myself."

Kayla laughed. "You sound like a knight in shining armor that came to save the princess. Or prince."

I grinned. "Yeah, I guess."

I let my mind wander over what I hoped would happen during our date. I saw Kayson smiling and I couldn't help smile back at his happy face. We laughed and had fun all evening and, if he let me, I'd kiss him goodnight.

I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't notice we'd arrived at the house until Kayla poked my arm. "Hey, snap out of it. If you plan to take him out you need to pay attention."

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