Chapter 16

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I raced down the street, praying Kyle wasn't following me. I bit my tongue to keep my tears at bay as I ran and ignored the angry shouts of people I bumped into.

I made my way, blindly, to the park and slid down into my hiding place. I went all the way to the back and curled into a ball, burying my face in my knees. "Why did you do that...? Why couldn't you just lie to me...? Or push me away...? Kyle..."

My lip trembled and I finally burst into tears. "Why?!" I sobbed. "I t-told you I didn't want it! I said I c-couldn't! So, why did you have to-" I cut myself off and bit my sleave to try and stop crying. Crying was weakness. "Why can't you understand...?"

I swallowed roughly and took deep breaths. I had to calm down. I wouldn't show any weakness. I still had tears flowing down my cheeks but, I had managed to stop sobbing.

I felt a cold blast of air from the entrance of the cave and I glanced outside. It had begun a light rain and the air was blowing wildly. I drew my legs closer and pulled my sleaves down.

My face was freezing so I pulled my hood up wiped my eyes to try and stop the salty water from turning my face to ice. I erapped myself up as tight as I could and snuggled to the farthest wall for warmth.

I decided I wouldn't go home that night. I knew that now that Kyle was aware of my feelings he'd try to talk to me. Try to 'explain' everything.

But, I don't want to talk to him... I don't want him to explain...

I felt my eyes getting heavy from the cold and closed them slowly. I drifted off soon after that, the rain being the melody to lull me to sleep.


I opened my eyes slowly and looked around drowsily, not yet knowing what had awakened me. I saw my breath in front of me as my eyes scanned the cave.

Oh, yeah... This is where I am...

I shivered at the cold and glanced at the cave's entrance. I could faintly see snow on the ground. I rested my head back. It had snowed while I slept. I was lucky not to have Hypothermia.

I rubbed my cold arms through my jacket, my teeth chattering as I tried to warm up. I noticed the frost on my shoes, a thin layer to coat them a clearish white.

It's pretty...

I snapped out of my sleep daze when I heard footsteps at the cave opening. I put my legs up and frowned. I didn't think anyone knew this place was here but, the steps grew closer.

I tried to look out but, it was too dark. I couldn't see anything. I was about to crawl out and look when I heard crunching of snow at the cave's entrance. Then I saw someone small bend down and crawl in. I tensed. "Who's-"

"Kayson? Is that you?"

Immediately I relaxed at the voice and came out out of the corner. "What are you doing here, Macey? How did you find this place?"

My sister smiled and crawled closer, hugging me for warmth. "Auntie was worried. You didn't come home and she's still waiting on the couch."

"How did you get out? It's late. Auntie wouldn't have let you leave the house at this hour." I said.

She grinned. "You're not the only one who can climb out of a window."

I chuckled and held Macey close to me. It was a comfortable atmosphere for a while until Marcy asked, "So? What happened?"

My smile slipped and I glanced at the entrance. "It's... nothing."

She sighed and nuzzled closer. "Come on, Kayson. You and I both know you need to talk about it."

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