Chapter 23

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I insisted on not going home because I didn't want Macey to see me looking the way I did. I had bruises and cuts and I looked like I hadn't slept in days, my eyes red from crying and my hair a mess. So, we called the girls and told them we'd be home in the morning. They sounded worried but, after Macey heard my voice she relaxed and said that she'd watch over Kayla. She was growing up so fast.

I sighed and rested back against the wall of the cave. There was a rustling and I glanced towards the cave's entrance. Kyle crawled in with a bag. "I got everything you said to get. I think." He shrugged. "I'm not too educated on makeup."

I chuckled and sat up to take the bag. I checked it and nodded. "Yeah, this'll work. I just need something to cover up my bruises." I said as I pulled out the small mirror he had bought.

I sighed as I looked at how screwed I was and set the mirror down. "I'll do it in the morning. It'll just get wiped off if I do it now." I mumbled.

Kyle reached up and rubbed his thumb over my cheek. I flinched as a natural response but, relaxed into the warm touch a second later. He smiled. "I'm so glad you're okay..." He said softly.

I looked away and tried to brush him off. "I'd have been okay even if you hadn't showed up." I said.

Kyle chuckled and took my hand, pulling me towards him. I frowned. "What are you-?!"

He pulled me into his lap and nuzzled my neck. I squirmed uncomfortably and he sighed contently. "Of course. Because you're strong and wonderful." He kissed my ear and whispered. "Everything someone could ever want."

I shivered and it wasn't just because of the cold night air. "C-come on, Kyle. Not right now..."

He shook his head. "I've waited years for this. I don't want to wait anymore."

His hands moved up and down my arms in a massaging motion. "Besides, they hurt you and I want to fix it."

He layed me on my back and towered over me. I swallowed. "H-how...?"

He kissed the bruise on my cheek. "By replacing the pain with pleasure." He said. He kissed the bruise on my neck and then the one on my shoulder. I could feel myself melting and the pain disappearing like magic from every spot he touched.

"K-Kyle... This is..." I felt dizzy and couldn't form a sentence.

He paused and just stared at my chest. I felt oddly revealed and tried to reach up and cover myself but, Kyle grabbed my hands and moved them above my head. "I don't ever want to let you go..." He murmured. "I guess this is how Bert felt."

At the mention of Bert all relief in my body vanished and I yanked my arms away, pushing Kyle off me and curling up in the corner. "I'm going to sleep." I said.

Kyle seemed surprised and disappointed and he looked down. "Sorry. I didn't mean to make you mad."

I ignored him and closed my eyes. I never wanted to see that man again. He had ruined so many things and made my life feel like a bad nightmare. I hated him.

I fell asleep shortly after and when I woke up I was alone. I looked around but, I didn't see Kyle anywhere in the cave. I frowned. Did I upset him that much?

I crawled towards the entrance of the cave and poked my head out, the park had a layer of ice over it but, no Kyle. I sighed. I didn't mean to make him leave. I was just upset.

I was about to crawl back in when I heard Kyle's voice, "You're up already?"

I turned and saw him approaching from the other way. He had a plastic bag in his hand and was hurrying over. "I realized you didn't have any clothes so I ran by the store to get you some."

Opposites That Aren't So Oppositeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें