Chapter 24

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I folded my arms against my chest as Teddy pulled up into the parking lot of the apartment complex we were supposed to be meeting Hazel and Rob in. Theodore and I planned on ignoring them after we came home from our trip Valentine's weekend but somehow they got our numbers and started bugging us about meeting up with them to discuss them talking to Ava. I'm against it and Theodore is too but we just came to get out of the house and possibly get a free meal.

I could give less than two shits about what Hazel and Rob have to say honestly. It's just a load of shit. How can two people up and leave their home, family and friends and just disappear because they were afraid of a guy that was killed? That doesn't make sense and them coming back over twenty years later is just ridiculous too. If they were really hiding out from Rodney and Luther, they would have kept hiding out or they would have told us what was going on or they would have took Ava if they truly loved her. Obviously they didn't give a damn about her if they left her for me and Teddy to take care of.

They're both dead beats in my eyes. For somebody to up and leave their child is so cold and heartless. My kids get on my damn nerves 24/7 but I couldn't imagine just walking away from them for years on end. I'd feel so hurt if I was away from my kids for too long so I couldn't imagine being gone for twenty plus years. Ava is sad and upset that her parents were 'dead' for the majority of her life but she'll resent them if they pop back up in her life now. I know she'll be hurt.

"This place is dirty," I commented as I looked around at the old, dingy apartment that looked like it had been burned in a fire. The strong wind was blowing trash all around the back of the building while the trashcans over flowed with all types of trash but the animals were loving it. There were a few cats and dogs, and probably even mice and rats, climbing all through the trash that was surrounding the trashcan.

Teddy sighed as he parked his all black Mustang behind the apartment complex before he turned to me. "I know baby but aren't you hungry?"

I nodded my head. "Yeah bu--"

"Let's just pretend like we care about what they saying and let's just get some free food."

I scrunched up my face as I looked around at how dirty this apartment complex was. Looking at where they're living, I'm damn sure their food is gonna be just as dirty. "Whatever you say but if I get sick from this garbage they're gonna serve us, I'm blaming you."

He waved me off as he climbed out of his car. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever." He closed his door and walked around to my side of the car to help me out. He pulled my door open and helped me out of his car. "Damn you look so beautiful baby," he smiled as he eyed the boyfriend jeans I was wearing and the white t shirt that accentuated my small chest. He pushed me up against his car and stood close in front of me so we were chest to chest. He leaned down and kissed my cheeks, lips and down my jawline until he stopped at my ear. "If we didn't have to handle business today, I'd fuck you right here."

I wrapped my arms tighter around his body. "Right now baby?" 

He nodded his head as he continued sucking on my earlobe. "Hell yeah. Get in the car with me. Please?"

I smiled. I love when he begs but we couldn't do anything right now. Hazel and Rob are waiting on us and we're already a half an hour later as is. If Teddy and I got to fucking in the back of his car, we wouldn't be able to stop. Hazel and Rob would have to come out here and pull us off of each other. "You know we can't Big Daddy," I stroked his ego. "Later, I promise."

He heavily sighed. "A'ight, fine. Gimme a kiss though."

I ran my hands up his chest before cupping his face in my hands. "Just one on my cheek. I don't want you to mess up my make up."

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