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She was crying her heart out in Hades cabin. She shoved Nico away when he tried to talk, and Katie didn't even try. Her whole body shook. Just one simple movement, and she watched someone kill Frank.

She didn't know who it was. All they did was step on an ant unassumingly... When they stood up, that ant grew. It grew into a squashed form of Hazel's boyfriend. He was flailing, huffing, unable to breathe. She ran up to him. Everyone was shocked that he was dying, but apparently some people thought it to be a hilarious way to die. They cracked up laughing, until he let out his last breath. Then everything was silent. 

She felt like she had a hole in her heart, a big gaping pit where Frank used to be. 

They'd gotten him to the infirmary, but it was too late. 

Hazel wanted to believe that he was alive. She was picturing him sitting next to her on the bed like he had the day before. Talking to Nico while Hazel sat on his lap. Katie in the back of the room with a book in hands, yet joining in with their conversation. He always brought joy to Hades cabin, joy that never was there before. 

But now he couldn't.

He wasn't there to support Nico like he had when the kid asked Will on a date for the first time. 

He couldn't give her those cute pecks on the cheek anymore, or the sweet compliments. And he'd probably never go back to Camp Jupiter... It was such a short visit. It was supposed to be a week, but it ended up being 2 days. 

Hazel made her way back to SPQR in her new car that Frank had bought her. Her life seemed to revolve around a dead man. She thought about when they first met; back when she was 13. So long ago. They were both so young before they went on that quest. 

Leo and Calypso were joining Hazel as she went, because they considered New Rome a nice place to stay. They could go there so they wouldn't have to get tangled up with monsters. Leo had also mentioned to Hazel when his girlfriend was busy that there was other reasons, but he didn't have the time to tell her what they were. 

As she drove, she couldn't help but imagine Frank watching her arrive and running up to her. Then she realised, Frank was Praetor. So know the space would be free. She might be able to take it. She really needed any optimistic thought to distract her, so she thought about what it would be like as the Praetor of her legion. Reyna would let her, she was sure. But Octavian might not. He might leap up to the job too quickly. 

"Hazel? Are you listening to me?" Leo asked, and only then did she realise she'd been extremely distracted. 

"Hm? Oh, sorry, no." she replied. 

"I was just asking how it's been at camp. Last time I was there, I... Well..." he tried again awkwardly. 

"We've repaired well, I reckon. But we still could have done without the Eidolon doing its thing." Hazel answered, parking the car. "Here we are!" 

"This place is... Beautiful!" Calypso said, getting out of the car. 

"Yeah." Leo replied, getting out and taking her hand. 

Hazel showed them around, then went to tell Reyna the news. 

"Frank's what?" the Praetor asked, seeming more angry than surprised, shocked or sad. 

"D-dead..." Hazel replied, holding back her tears. Reyna looked like a brick hit her in the stomach as she fell back into her chair. 

The conversation was all a muddle after that. 

That night, at dinner, Reyna made an announcement. "Our beloved praetor, Frank Zhang, has been sent to Elysium. The role of praetor is now open. But I would like to personally ask someone who I believe would make an amazing praetor, who I have become so very close to gradually. Thalia, the role is open to you if you want it."

Hazel wasn't even disappointed. She clapped with the rest of camp as Jason's sister walked up to Reyna. "Seriously?" she said with a grin. "I accept the offer!" she then exclaimed, and the clapping got louder. 

"Thalia Grace, daughter of Jupiter, is our new praetor of New Rome." Reyna announces, pinning the praetor badge on her chest. 

"Good job." Hazel muttered. "You've officially replaced Frank." 

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