The Trip To Hawaii

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Your Prospective:

First day of school starting next week. All summer I've been on my laptop Watching Markiplier and Jacksepticeye. What kind of summer was this? The best summer of course! I mean who wouldn't want to stay in their room eating ice cream and watching all of the videos of Mark and Jack? Alone....eating ice your yourself. I have no life do I? Well that's just me. I'd rather be doing that then be running outside in that heat. I'm in here with air conditioning. So yeah I'm leaving my life at that. Once I finish watching The Whisper Challenge #2, I need some more ice cream from downstairs. When I got down there mom called me into the living room. Did I do something wrong? I walked in with my ice cream in my hand. She had a smile on her face and Sam, my little brother, was jumping around saying "DOLPHINS!!" Which made me giggle of course. My mom told me to sit. So I sat.
"(Y/n) I have such good news!"
"Haha I can tell by your smile on your face and Sam jumping around!"
"Yeah. Well I planned a trip for us to go to before you go back to school!"
"A trip? Ooo where?! When!?"
"We are going tomorrow at no longer than 9:45am. The flight leaves at 10:05 am. We are taking a flight to.....HAWAII!! Honolulu Island!! You excited!?"
"Excited!? Uh yeah!! Why wouldn't I!?"
"Great!! Now you can get back to what you were doing."
I couldn't believe it!!! Hawaii!! Me!! Going!!! Wow! I can't wait! But let me get back to what I was doing. Markiplier and Jacksepticeye!! "I wish Mark and Jack could come......"

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