Never can say goodbye.

52 2 0

2 days, 2 days till i have to watch my boyfriend be a chew toy to some stupid mutt. The year has gone in so quick, i felt as if its just been full of either hunts or just lying around in the bunker.

I wish we had done something special, something that shows we don't want Sam to go. Sam hates talking about it or even thinking about it. 

Almost every night Sam tosses and turns in bed a few nights he even gets up and goes for some water or whatever he does. 

I sat in the kitchen of the bunker at six in the morning with a cup of coffee in my hand (It was my third).  As i took another gulp of my mildly warm coffee Dean walked in and poured himself a cup and sat across from me.

"Your up early" he spoke sleepily. As Dean was still in his pajamas and his hair was a mess so i could tell that he had not long woken up. I have lived with the boys for about a year and a half yet when i see Dean's bed head it always makes me laugh.

"Yeah i just couldn't really get to sleep i guess" I smiled slightly.

"Again ?" 

"What no, I've been fine" I said quickly as my eyes darted down to my cup.

"Right..." He smirked in disbelief.

"You know i cant tell when your lying Ashley. I can tell that your scared and your worried as hell about Sammy i am too, but there's nothing we can do" Dean spoke quietly but had to finish his sentence due to Sam walking in.

"Morning Dean, Beautiful" Sam smiled looking at Dean first then me.

Sam sat in the chair next to me and quickly grabbed my drink off the table and drank it.

"Hey !" i yelled as i grabbed it back.

"What ?" he chuckled.

"I made min i drink it, Dean made his he drinks it... Proceed moose boy" I said as i gestured Sam towards the old coffee machine.

the day dragged on and on until it reached about three in the afternoon i was just browsing on the web. When i stumbled across a horror themed scavenger hunt in the woods not far from here.

"Guys I have an idea !" I yelled getting up and carrying my laptop over to them both on the sofa.

"Can we do it, please !" i pleaded.

Sam and Dean looked at each other for a moment then Dean turned his attention back to me.

"When does it start ?" Dean smiled.

"Yayyy Thank you thank you thank you!"

*Time skip*

We arrived just in time to start the hunt. I was really excited for some reason i mean its like Sam's last day and i chose this to do with him and his brother so this better not all go to shit.

We all got out of the car and walked to get our maps and stuff.

"Um, do you have another person coming? Its just it's only two in a team" The man in the little booth said.

"Um...Ash picks a number and whoever guesses it gets her" Dean suggested.

We both nodded as i closed my eyes and picked a number between one and ten.

"Four ?" Sam asked as i shook my head.

"Five ?" dean followed i then shook again.

Old friends, new peopleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن