Wanted dead or alive.

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I was woken up to the noise of my phone buzzing beside me. I opened my eyes as they gradually adjusted to the light and answered the phone.

"Hello ?" I asked sleepily.

"Hi, Honey! Just to let you and Sam know that we made reservations for seven tonight, is that okay with you ?" My mother said excitedly down the phone.

"Um, i think so yeah"

" great see you then" She giggled.


"See you then, love you bye" she said then hung up.

I sat up straight on the bed and rubbed my eyes. I took a deep breath then lay back down.

"Sam !" i called.

"What, whats wrong ?" He asked as he appeared at the door.

"We have reservations for seven"

"Okay" he said breathing out.

"Nervous ?" I asked.

" Oh yeah" he replied sitting next to me.

" they'll love you, probably" i said under my breath.

"What time is it anyway ?" I asked.

" ugh, three i think " Sam asked looking at his phone.

"Why didn't you wake me ?" i said while standing up.

" You looked cute " he smiled.

" I swear to god Sam Winchester if i find pictures of me on your phone your a dead man !" i yelled as he walked out of the room.

I spent a while trying to figure out what to wear and how to do my make up hair ect.

I sat watching myself in the mirror as i curled my hair, just thinking about how my parents are back.

I mean i know their not a demon or a shifter, my dad done the test on himself right in front of me. Maybe its just good luck, i mean i came back after the cadge and we still have no clue how that happened. Maybe someone made a deal for them or one of their hunter friends done a spell ?

After finishing my hair and make up i quickly pulled on my shoes and dress, then my jewelry.

I walked out into the study of the bunker where Dean was doing some research, but no Sam ?

Dean looked up at me then got out of his seat and walked towards me "Wow, you look beautiful Ashley" he smiled at me.

"Thanks Dean" i smiled back "where's Sam ?"  i asked.

"He's waiting outside in the car" 

"Oh i thought he stood me up" i smiled.

Dean said nothing he just laughed at me then pulled me into a quick hug.

"Have fun tonight, okay" he said pulling out of the hug.

"Copy that" i smiled then began to walk upstairs.

I got outside to see Sam in the impala waiting for me. 

He jumped at i opened the door to the impala.

" Sam, i can see your nervous calm down" i said as i squeezed his shoulder.

Sam nodded then kissed  me gently on the forehead. Then we left.

We pulled into the parking lot just a few down from my parents car.

We both got out of the car and met at the tail end.

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