Alone time

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I stayed in my room for the rest of the night and most of the next day. Dean would normally come in and check on me but I would pretend I was sleeping. But actually I hadn't slept at all.
I just needed to be alone, I had betray my dead parents without even knowing it.
I liked Sam, a lot and I know he likes me but is it the right thing to do.
It was five o'clock on a Friday. I was standing looking out the window at Dean working on the impala when I heard the door open. It was Sam standing where with a bag of Chinese food.
" You haven't left your room in like 24 hours, I thought you might be hungry " he said as he sat on my bed and placed the good next to him.
I watched him as he did then when he looked up at my I turned away.
" Thanks but I'm not hungry" I said in a hush tone.
" Look Ashley, I know your upset but you have to understand that, you doing what they didn't want now isn't going to affect them"
" You don't understand sam" I said quietly.
" I do " he said
" No you don't ! " I yelled.
He stood up quickly.
" Your parents didn't die for you to have a good life, and here I am hunting things with you of all people! I'd like you to go please " I said as my eyes began to tear up.
" No, you can't just turn me now. You like me ash, and I like you too. you can't change that now I know".
I opened my mouth to speak and no words came out. I felt myself get closer to Sam as I started crying. he pulled me in towards him as I cried into his shirt leaving massive tear stains.
We ended up sitting on my bed and eating the Chinese food while watching a movie on Sam's laptop. I soon fell asleep though and woke up and hour later to Sam sleeping aswell.

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