The party

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The night went on I had had a couple of beers without my mom and dad noticing. I was sitting outside on the sidewalk. just thinking minding my own business. I will admit I was a little tipsy.
Suddenly Sam was sitting down next to me.
"You look really beautiful" Sam told me whilst smirking at me.
"You know I've been watching you all night and I noticed something"
I leaned over and smirked.
" And what would that be mr detective ".
" You haven't danced, not once ".
"I would like to change that". Sam stood up extending his right hand to help me up.
There was some cheesy 80s song playing from the house so I guess it wasn't that awkward.
Sam put both his arms on my waist as I wrapped mind round his neck.
" It's hard to dance with you, cus your a really tall dude " I said whist resting my head on his chest. We danced for like two minuets before we made eye contact. I couldn't stop staring suddenly I felt myself getting closer and closer until...
"Sammy, time to go !" John yelled from the door .
" Yeah just a sec!"
Sam pulled a pen from his pocket and wrote his number on my hand. He then smiled and got in the car.

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