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Sam and i got in the car and left the bunker. I think we where only in the car around ten minuets before we ended up driving along this long dark road.

" um, Sammy i'm not sure if this is part of the date, but i'm kinda freaked out" i said while keeping my head against the window, avoiding eye contact with Sam because i know he would tease me about it.

" its okay i'm here, and we'll be there soon " Sam answered while giving my hand a quick squeeze. We arrived about five minuets later and pulled up outside a fancy restaurant. I said nothing to Sam just smiled and grabbed his hand and hurried towards the doors.

" Hi, guys can i help you ?" the waiter said politely.

" ugh, a table for two, please " Sam answered nervously.

The waiter showed us to our table and handed us menus then left.

" so what are you having"he asked me

" um i'm not sure maybe, just chicken"

The waiter eventually came back and asked what we wanted to eat and drink. I ordered the chicken and some cola. Sam ordered a salad and water.

It was about half an hour into the date and we were half way through our food.

" So, do you ever want to have like a proper job?" i asked Sam

" um, i would like to but it seems so unrealistic now, you know after what I've seen. What about you, ever want to get married, have kids".

" um, depends when and who " i said and smiled.

* 1 hour later *

" oh my god Sam you did not " i said tipping my head back laughing

" i did, but dean did put hair removal cream in my shampoo "

by this point i was killing myself laughing.

The waiter then arrived with our ice creams. i was within five minuets of eating it when Sam looked at me and started laughing.

" what, what is it, what ! " i said laughing.

" you've got, um ice cream on your face "

i was wiping different parts of my face and then Sam said " stay still " as he leaned over the table and wiped my cheekbone.

we payed the bill and started to drive home. we arrived back at the bunker around eleven and dean and bobby were sleeping. Sam put his keys int he door and turned them as he went to walk in i pulled him back.

" wait" i said slightly pushing him forward.

" what ? " Sam said alarmingly.

"this would be the part of the cheesy romantic movies were the boy walks the girl home and kisses her at her door " i said blushing

" but i live here too " Sam said in confusion.

" then wait five minuets out here " i smiled.

Sam went in for the kiss and so did i as we grew closer i began to smile and before i knew it we were both laughing.

" nope okay that's awkward, lets go " i said walking in the door.

As i walked in the door i felt a grip on my arm and before i knew it i was being twirled round and smashed into Sam's lips.

" hows that for your cheesy romantic movies " Sam smiled

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