“Hello Liam.” She greeted. “Lyla, it’s only Liam!” Cassie shouted up the stairs.

“Should I be offended that it’s ‘only’ me?” Liam asked.

“Not at all, Lyla’s been off the rocker since I told her. Apparently it doesn’t matter if she’s met everyone before, ‘it’s all different when they want to hang out with you’” she said imitating Lyla’s voice which made Liam laugh. 

“Ok, I’m here.” Lyla said making a big entrance. “Hi Liam, are the lads in the car?” She asked going past him out the door.

“Yea.” Liam answered letting her past. Lyla made it to the large van and sat in the very back with Niall. 

Cassie whispered to Liam. “Should we be worried Louis is driving?”

Liam laughed, “As long as he doesn’t get too distracted, I think it’s safe.”

“Why does that not reassure me?” Cassie rhetorically asked.

Before Liam could answer, there were several honks sounding from the van. “Oi you lovebirds are you coming or not?” Liam and Cass both blushed and walked to the vehicle, which they ended up sitting in the seat with Harry. 

The moment Cassie got in, Harry wrapped his arm around her shoulders and sat her next to him making her in the middle of him and Liam. 

“Hello love, miss me?” He asked.

“Since about three hours ago?” Cassie asked sarcastically. Harry feigned looking hurt but quickly replaced it with his flirtatious smile. “It was a joke Harry.”

He got a huge grin on his face but didn’t say a word. Liam on the other hand stared into the window. We waited about five minutes before Cassie realized something. “Louis, why aren’t we moving?”

“Well, for starters Liam was supposed to be driving since he knows where we’re going, second of all, I don’t know where we’re going.” He said looking at Liam expectantly.

Liam didn’t say anything and switched seats with Louis and the gang was soon on their way. With Louis in the row with Harry and Cassie, it was entertaining. He kept getting upset that Harry was giving Cassie so much attention and in return started getting upset with Cassie for stealing his Hazza away from him.

Soon enough they arrived at the park and started roaming around. Then the boys started goofing around: Lyla on Niall’s back, Louis on Zayn’s back, then Liam, Cassie, and Harry behind them laughing. All of a sudden Cassie felt her feet life from the ground.

“Harry let me go!” She said pounding on his back.

“Not a chance love, I bet Liam’s having a nice show.” Harry said making Liam laugh and Cassie blush before continuing pounding on his back.

It wasn’t too long before the other boys came over.

“Haz, what are you doing with Cass?” Louis asked.

“What’s the matter Boo Bear? I’m just giving everyone a nice view of her bum, plus this way I hold her close.” Harry flirted. Though Cassie didn’t see him, she could tell he was smirking. 

Lyla started laughing like a mad woman causing Niall and Zayn to laugh as well. Liam kind of just stood quietly in the back.

“Harry if you don’t let me go, I will make sure that Louis over there never talks to you again.” Cassie tried to warn with a calm voice not to show she was bluffing.

“That’s alright love, as long as I talk to you, nothing else matters.” Harry said.

“Hazza, I’m offended! I thought we had something special?!” Louis shouted.

“Harry, please let me down. If you do I’ll make it worth your while.” Cassie said trying to be a tad seductive to persuade him. 

Harry hesitated before letting her down. “I’m counting on that.”

Cassie ran to Liam for protection. “So easy, it was nice while it lasted Harry.” She taunted.

Niall jumped into conversation. “Now that we’re all done here, can we go eat something now?”

“For once I agree with Niall, I woke up too early this morning and didn’t eat.” Zayn said.

Lyla and Cassie fist pumped while saying. “let’s go” way too energetically.

They all hopped into the van and drove off somewhere for lunch. Lunch was entertaining as Harry was pouting, Louis was acting jealous, Niall and Zayn were stuffing their faces with some contest they were having, and Cassie, Lyla, and Liam were having a nice chat about random stuff.

Soon enough it was time for everyone to leave as it was getting late. Time just flew by when they were having so much fun. 

When the boys left, Cassie and Lyla finished their break without doing a lot, mainly just relaxing. Since Liam entered Cassie’s, and Lyla’s to a point, life, nothing else has really compared. But now it was all over and maybe with this internship, Cassie would never see Liam Payne or any other One Direction member anytime soon. 

A/N: Sorry, it's more of a filler but something BIG will be happening the next chapter. I hope everyone that has continued reading this appreciates it. Thanks a ton for everything!

A Map of His Songs [Edited]- 1D Liam PayneWhere stories live. Discover now