After we pulled away and dried our eyes I went and sat on the couch, they were doctors orders given by Alex himself, I was under strict instruction to rest and not do anything until the bleeding had stopped.

Which could take awhile Josh had reminded me. Just all I needed to be was immobile for weeks.'

“so why don't we eat then watch a movie?” Emma suggested

The pizza was really good but I wasn't feeling as hungry as I thought, I had eaten one piece and all of a sudden I felt guilty, I felt as though loosing the baby had been mostly fault, was I not careful enough or did I lift something to heavy, I tried not to overdo myself but at the end of the day I felt like a failure, I felt as though I took something from Alex that he couldn't get back.

“stop it” Alex murmured in my ear, I turned to look at him and he shook his head “your face is an open book, don't blame yourself, we'll get pregnant again”

I smiled, he was so positive about getting pregnant again and of course I wanted another baby with him, hell I wanted a boat load of babies with Alex but it worried me that I could also loose that child too.

I picked up another piece of pizza and took a small bite, glancing over the table to Emma and Josh who were giving each other hidden looks, well I guess they were trying to “are you two banging?”

Josh spluttered out the drink he was sipping and Emma stared at me with her mouth hanging open “what makes you think that?” she whispered

“you look like you have been, your always whispering and give each other looks all the time” Alex spoke up, I didn't think he had noticed it but obviously he had done.

“well we're not together, Josh is a slut” Emma cringed

“and Emma is a whore” Josh added.

I didn't believe a word they said, the looks they gave each other told us all different and if they wanted to keep on denying it then so be it, but I was still determined to prove them both wrong.

After dinner we sat in the living room, I laid down curled on the couch next to Alex, his arms wrapped around my back as I snuggled into his chest, Emma and Josh went for a walk outside, another one of their secret walks that they kept going on, that or they were giving us some space.



“I love you” he smiled placing a kiss over my temple.

“I love you too” I turned so our lips met “so much” I added with each kiss he placed over my mouth.

With each kiss I wanted him, with each touch I needed him and with each breath I knew I loved him, I didn't want to be with anyone else but him.

“tomorrow do you want to come with me to my old home and visit?” I asked after I pulled away.

“that sounds good, did you want to leave once we wake up?” his hand reached out and brushed a strand of hair behind my ear.

“that sounds good, I feel a little tired now so I might go to bed soon”

“let's go now” he pushed himself up off the couch and bent down wrapping his arm around my back and lifting me up, I held onto him as he walked down the hall towards his bedroom. Placing me down on his bed gently he peeled the coves backwards and placed them over me.

“thanks” I yawned, watching as he pulled his shirt off and got in beside me.

“I was thinking that when we get back home we should look for a place together, or you could move in with me or I you?”

“really?” I smiled “you want to live together still?”

“course I do, just because things didn't work out doesn't mean I want to put our life on hold” he grinned placing his hand over my stomach.

“ok, let's move in then” I went to smile but gave him a sleepy smile instead.

The front door closed and Emma and Josh started talking, they were laughing about something but spoke in hushed whispers, our bedroom door opened and they both peered in, Emma was covered head to toe in mud.

“that prick pushed me in a puddle” she scowled

“she told me I was weak, so I nudged her and she went flying” he laughed as she slapped his and walked into the bedroom.

I laughed as Josh closed the door “them two seriously need to get together”

“that or just fuck and get there sexual tension out of the way” Alex chuckled wrapping his arms around my waist as I moved closer into his chest. Loving this feeling of warmth and security.

The last thing I remember is hearing Alex tell me he loves me before I fell asleep.

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