Chapter 49---You Promised!

Start from the beginning

It's been a week since Carson left, and I am starting to miss him so much to the point that I couldn't sleep at night. That isn't good because I have a interview tomorrow, and I look like a walking zombie.

Dylan and Alice were quiet. That meant everything's fine at home. The main reason I called them is because I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach the moment Carson left. I wish I was wrong. I don't know. It's an instinct or something.


Things are good here at home. The only thing missing is you. I told mom about us and she can't stop praising God and hugging me. She sends her love too. I'm sending you letters instead of texts or emails because I know you'd prefer these. I'll write to you soon. I love you, baby.


His letter made me smile. He sends me letters every single day and relieves my ache for him.


I miss you, baby. Remember to sleep early today. I know you have an interview tomorrow, and I know you'll be amazing. I keep on watching your vlogs on YouTube, and I remember those times you used to film around the theater. Whenever I miss you, I watch the videos and they make my day. I'll see you soon. Love you.


I read this letter fifty times before going to sleep. We do communicate through the phone and internet, these letters are just his thing. He's still proving himself to me by the looks of it. I do not regret getting back together with him. I know I made the right decision.

The next morning was the interview, and the whole day, I was looking for a good outfit to wear. The interview was with Paul Wontorek at a segment at entitled, 'Show People', and he interviews people from the same industry as I am, and it's rare to get recognized when you're just starting.

I finally found my outfit. It was a blue form-fitting dress with a black belt. I had my hair and makeup at's guest dressing room, and I asked for my hair and makeup to be as natural and simple.

"You have a very luminous glow, Miss Hastings. What's your secret?" the stylist asked as she buffed setting powder on my face.

I chuckled at her question. " a lot, I guess."

*Knock. Knock*

"Miss Hastings?" the door opened and Paul came inside with a beautiful bouquet of lilies. "These are for you, and we appreciate you for coming."

"These are just stunning, Mr. Wontorek. Thank you very much!" I held the bouquet in my hands.

"You're welcome. I'll see you later on air." he smiled politely and left the room.

"I thought he was coming in to give us the cheque." Jessica sighed, looking into her phone.

"So impatient as ever, Anne." I rolled my eyes.

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