chapter nine

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I'm back at the hospital first thing in the morning. At first they won't let me in, Dr. Quinn and y/ns parents aren't here to tell them who I am. They keep telling me that since I'm not family or her "in case of emergency" they can't let me in.

Finally, they look at some of y/ns newer forms and see my name under the in case of emergency.

We had started switching it from y/ns parents to me because it made more sense, but we hadn't finished yet so they weren't on most of the forms.

The nurses let me into y/ns room and leave me there. She's still in a coma.

Part of me is glad that she didn't wake up. I was worried that she'd wake up surrounded by machines and have no one here for her, but at the same time I want nothing more than to be with her again. I need to talk to her. I can't go any longer without hearing her voice.

"I'm so sorry I had to leave, love. I didn't want to leave you here alone. I miss you so much, even all the little annoying things you do. Especially all those little things you do. Like how you put your cold feet on me when I'm trying to sleep. You never eat your own cereal, you insist on stealing mine. You always leave your socks all over the apartment. Sometimes we'll try to start a show on netflix together, but you can never resist watching ahead. Even though you do all those things, you do so many other things that are just for me. If you find a song you think I would like you put it on my phone for me to find later. While I'm showering, you'll write me little notes on the mirror. If I've had a bad day you always know how to make me laugh. You call me in the middle of the afternoon just to tell me that you love me. And then I tell you that I love you too because I do, y/n, I love you so much. Please wake up. I need you here. I don't know what I would do without you. I can't even imagine what my life would be like if you weren't in it. Please... come back to me... please..."

I kind of expected her to answer, like it always happens in movies or books, but I get no response. I kneel by her bed, crying for what seems like forever, until I hear one of the monitors start beeping really fast.

I look up, her heart rate spiked. I should call a nurse. I'm reaching for the call button, when something catches my sleeve.


Was that y/n? I must be dreaming. Dare I look? Her eyes are open, she's smiling.

"Will you help me sit up so I can hug you?"

I frantically pull her into my arms and start crying again.

"No, don't cry... I'll start crying..." she says right before she bursts into happy tears.

"I can't help it, I thought I lost you."


"I love you."

"I love you too."

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